Wagner starts another fight with Gov. Wolf, De Blasio is heading to PA Society and Cartwright gets some good news. Good morning politicos, here’s the Playbook!
PA-Gov: Wagner Picks Fight with Wolf: The issue concerns a layoff of state employees.
De Blasio to Visit PA Society: The New York City Mayor will make an appearance at a PA Society reception.
PA-9: Halvorson Found Guilty on Harassment Charge: The multiple-time candidate got hit with a $25 fine.
PA-17: Cartwright Touts New Committee Appointment: The Congressman is getting a different assignment than the one he expected.
Capitolwire: Auditor General DePasquale says he won’t make a decision on UC system audits until January
WITF: Pa. high court grapples with life term for juveniles
WITF: Report: LGBT students still face discrimination at school
WITF: Uber wants Pennsylvania to delay rules for driverless cars
WITF: Emmert: ‘Pleased’ to see Penn State football thriving again
Smart Talk: 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor attack
StateImpactPA: DEP appeals court’s hold on sections of new drilling rules
Inquirer: Judge denies Jill Stein request for audit of Philly voting machines
Inquirer: Expert who led 9/11 probe testifies for Basciano in Philly building collapse
Inquirer: Pennsylvania levels $3.5 million fine against gas driller
Inquirer: Terminally silly: Part of Philadelphia airport will pay soda tax, another part won’t
WHYY Newsworks: Counties seek injunction to halt N.J. bail system changes
WHYY Newsworks: Four years after Paulsboro train accident, railroads agree to federal emergency protocols
WHYY Newsworks: Philly lawmakers focus on preventing scams targeting seniors
Bucks County Courier Times: Newtown Township loses as other municipalities enact EITs
Pottstown Mercury: New Hanover groundwater pollution cleanup outlined at hearing]
Delco Times: Swarthmore neighbors plan HEADstrong appeal
Post-Gazette: Pitt develops potential antidote to carbon-monoxide poisoning
Post-Gazette: Green Party in court again with demand to examine county voting machines
Post-Gazette: Law enforcement agencies are dealing with malware and ransom demands
Post-Gazette: Port Authority, bus drivers reach tentative contract agreement again
Tribune-Review: Self-driving trucks to be on road in near future, experts believe
Tribune-Review: Billion-dollar investment in pension funds leaves Pittsburgh ‘treading water’
Altoona Mirror: City adopts budget with tax hike
Altoona Mirror: Medical center ratings to climb
Beaver County Times: Murphy’s signature mental health reform bill passes Senate, heads to president’s desk
Beaver County Times: Casey calls GOP proposal on coal miners’ benefits a ‘slap in the face’
Beaver County Times: Survey shows nearly universal support for more energy infrastructure in Pennsylvania
Times Leader: WVW School Board’s ‘reorganization’ looks familiar; Mazur, Usavage retain leadership posts
Times Leader: Area institutions bash latest ratings of teacher education programs
Times-Tribune: Scranton meter hours changed
South Central
Patriot-News: Recap on what is occurring with the labor and industry layoffs in PA
Patriot-News: Over 2,000 overdoses in PA have occurred and continue to rise
Patriot-News: Eugene DePasquale the auditor general continues to pursue request for audit on the labor and industry fund
Patriot-News: Wolf and Wagner look ahead at the looming labor and industry layoffs
York Dispatch: Questions linger on whether the press will be able to effectively do their job under a Trump presidency
Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Scott Pruitt an Oklahoma attorney general to work with Trump on suing the EPA on climate change
Morning Call: Federal judge permits to end Michigan’s recount effort after three days
Reading Eagle: Why PA is moving in the right direction with alcohol laws
Reading Eagle: Why Donald Trump is the most qualified person to serve as president
North by Northwest
Erie Times-News: Dan Laughlin launches online resources for constituents
Erie Times-News: Green party continues to push for a recount in PA to federal court
Centre Daily Times: Federal judge agrees to end Michigan voter recount effort
Centre Daily Times: retired General John F. Kelly to be head of Homeland Security
Inquirer: Visa delays a betrayal of wartime allies
Daily News: Pat Toomey turning his back on Philly constituents
Patriot-News: Papenfuse’s capital project wishlist is a sensible one
Patriot-News: ‘Greediest Generation’ getting in the way of pension reform, Sen. Scott Wagner says
Post-Gazette: The election’s over: Toss out the Green Party recount effort in Pa.
Post-Gazette: Carnage by neglect: The ‘Ghost Ship’ fire was preventable
Keystone Crossroads: Philadelphia judges refuses to acknowledge Stein’s voter recount request
Keystone Crossroads: Philadelphia court struggles to resolve how to sentence kids for life terms in prison
Keystone Education Coalition: Charter school founder Trombetta is found with an eight million dollar tax conspiracy
2 Political Junkies: Weather scientists challenge Breitbart’s stance on climate change