Vince Hughes may make a Senate run, Arkoosh fills the vacant Montco Commissioner seat and a significant development in the HD-170 special election. Good morning politicos, here’s the Buzz!
Hughes for Senate?: Could Vincent Hughes be mulling a run for U.S. Senate in 2016?
Arkoosh Selected To Fill Vacant MontCo Commissioner Seat: Commissioner Josh Shapiro announced her selection Wednesday.
HD-170: Kaplan Passes on Third-Party Run: Seth Kaplan declares he won’t run in the special election for fear of splitting the Democratic vote.
PA-Gov: Wolf Vows to Sign Medical Marijuana Bill: The Governor promises his support for the Leach-Folmer Act.
PA-Sen: Toomey Balances Right and Center Ahead of 2016: Sen. Toomey, with the aide of Majority Leader McConnell, is aiming for re-election and GOP control of the Senate during the tough 2016 cycle.
State House Sound Bites: Senate Promises Hearing on Charities Amendment
State House Sound Bites: Another Stab at Per Diem Reform
PA Independent: Proponents of Raising PA’s Minimum Wage Gain Surprise GOP Ally
PA Independent: District Defiant About Credit-Card Spending, Tweaks Policy Anyway
StateImpactPA: Penn State to Hold Marcellus Shale Classes for Adults in Lancaster County
StateImpactPA: State Senate Unanimously Approves Gas Royalty Bills
StateImpactPA: Natural Gas Prices Drop to Lowest Levels in Over Two Years
PLS Reporter: Sen. Pileggi Resigns Chairmanship
PLS Reporter: Minimum Royalty Bill Unanimously Move Through Senate
PLS Reporter: Bill Making Advertisement of Civil Service Veterans’ Preference a Requirement Advances
Capitolwire: Despite Recall, Senate Panel OKs 13 Corbett Lame-Duck Nominees
Capitolwire: PA Budget Shortfall Estimates Could Be More than $250 Million Lower, Based on New IFO Data
Capitolwire: House Education Committee Moves Truancy, School Weather Emergencies Bill to Chamber Floor
Capitolwire: House Education Committee to Focus on Accountability, Chairman Says
Daily News: Kenney Gets Early Endorsements
Inquirer: Dem Retreat to Bring Obama, Biden, Lawmakers to Philly
Inquirer: Wolf to Name Two Supreme Court Justices
Inquirer: Wolf Urges Democrats: Stay Strong to Your Values DNC Visits Philadelphia as Decision on 2016 Convention Nears (AP)
Pottstown Mercury: Berks County Contributes to Study on Obamacare ‘Cadillac Tax’
Pottstown Mercury: Congressman Ryan Costello Appointed to Serve on Two Subcommittees
Bucks County Courier Times: Montgomery County Judge Tap Physician-Activist for Commissioner Seat
Delco Daily Times: Sen. Leach Reintroduces Medical Marijuana Bill
Montgomery Media: Springfield’s Valerie Arkoosh to Take Leslie Richards’ Job as Montgomery County Board of Commissioners
Tribune-Review: Muslim Woman Sues Labor Department, Alleges Discrimination
Tribune-Review: UPMC, Highmark Disagree over Payment of Medical Claims for Children
Post-Gazette: Pittsburgh Gives Preliminary Approval for Zoning at Former Civic Arena Redevelopment
Post-Gazette: Allegheny County Controller Threatens Legal Action to Audit Four Authorities
Early Returns: Wolf’s “Unsolicited Advice” for Democrats
Early Returns: Irey Vaughan will Seek 6th Term in Washington County
Pittsburgh Business Times: Monroeville Man Named to Lead Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission
Pittsburgh Business Times: Casey Calls for Increased Spending for Region’s Locks and Dams
Pittsburgh Business Times: More Crude to Head Out via Pipeline, Kinder Morgan Exec Predicts
KDKA: Two Constables Ordered to Stand Trial on Assault Charges
Beaver County Times: Longtime Beaver County Public Works Director will Retire
Beaver County Times: State Finds $1.1M in Questioned Costs for Regional Nonprofits
Beaver County Times: How to Bargain with a Gas Drilling Company: Join up with your Neighbors
Observer Reporter: AP: Company Seeks Cause of W. VA Pipeline Explosion
Altoona Mirror: Cambria Assistant DA to Run for County Judge
Tribune-Democrat: USDA Revises Maple Syrup Grading with Descriptive Terms
Pocono Record: Mount Pocono Quits Regional Park Commission
Pocono Record: Wolf to Sign Order Restoring Ban on New Drilling Leases
Pocono Record: Wolf Plans to Fill Two State Supreme Court Vacancies
Times-Leader: Cordaro Takes Stand in Bid to get New Trial on Lackawanna County Corruption Conviction
Times-Leader: Rep. Jerry Mullery of Newport Township want State Game Commission to Distribute Antlerless Deer Hunting Licenses
Times-Leader: Joseph Spagnuolo, Jr. Announces Candidacy for District 11-3-08 Seat
South Central
Lancaster Intelligence/Era: LGBT non-discrimination bill returns with support from Wolf
Roxbury News: Pa. Turnpike adopts ban on gifts
Patriot-News: Pa. Turnpike Commission implements gift ban following 2013 pay-to-play scandal
Patriot-News: Top legislative Republicans in Pennsylvania say when it comes to LGBT protections, they need bills
Patriot-News: Former township supervisor Duane Hall announces bid for York County office
Patriot-News: Can Pennsylvania have a Selma-like moment this year for the LGBT community?
York Daily Record: Wolf calls for passage of non-discrimination legislation, says ‘fairness actually works’
York Daily Record: Gov. Tom Wolf to post full work calendar online
York Daily Record: Sen. Wagner wants to raise minimum wage
York Daily Record: Gov. Tom Wolf intends to fill vacancies on state Supreme Court
Lebanon Daily News: Susan Cort seeks Derry Township supervisor post
Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Former Northampton County DA Corriere accused of misusing client funds
Morning Call: Pawlowski, other top Allentown Dems form slate for school board, council
Morning Call: Eichenwald won’t seek a third term on Allentown council
Morning Call: Supreme Court vacancies stir debate over replacements
WFMZ: Mayor Spencer on state of city: ‘Reading is riding a comeback’
Express-Times: Easton may bring police presence to city council meetings
Express-Times: Congressman Scott Garrett helps form new conservative House caucus
North by Northwest
Campaign ‘15: Philly for Dem convention?
Williamsport Sun Gazette: Commissioners to vote on grant
Williamsport Sun Gazette: East Lycoming board planning to seek tax exemption
Williamsport Sun Gazette: New fund focuses on economic development
Erie Times-News: Erie-area superintendents to speak at school funding hearing
Erie Times-News: Styn kicks off City Council candidacy
Post-Gazette: When Will Consol’s Findlay Gas Drilling End?
Bucks County Courier Times: Gives Us a Gift: Pass a Gift Ban
Pottstown Mercury: Byron York: Obama Rush to Empty Guantanamo Alarms Lawmakers
Patriot-News: Pennsylvania has the highest gas tax, and that’s OK
Citified: Jim Kenney’s Authenticity Cuts Two Ways
Citified: Do Millennials Actually Love Cities – or Are They Too Broke to Leave?
Citified: Ori Challenges Kenyatta to Ten Debates
Citified: Five Ways Jim Kenney Will Upend the Mayoral Race
Keystone Politics: No More Corbett Appointees. Voters Choose a “Fresh Start”
Keystone Crossroads: Should Pa. Require Students to Pass Standardized Tests to Graduate High School?
Commonwealth Foundation: Mary’s Law Is Introduced