Harrisburg lawmakers still aren’t quite done for the summer and a new Dem floats a bid for Lt. Gov. Good morning politicos, here’s the Buzz. Thanks to those who’ve served the nation in uniform.
Don’t forget to check back later for the Ups & Downs.
Editor’s note: today’s buzz has been abbreviated to include only PoliticsPA features. See you back full time on Monday.
Senate Recesses Sans Medicaid Expansion: As lawmakers wrap up post-budget odd and ends, Senate Republicans voted down an effort to force Pa. to expand Medicaid.
Harper Poll: Corbett Budget Talking Points Perform Well: Gov. Corbett failed to get his plans for liquor, pension and transportation across the finish line. He has emphasized that the budget was on time and contained no tax increases. The latest survey by Republican firm Harper Polling shows why.
State Rep. Galloway Mulling Lt. Gov Bid: Rep. John Galloway (D-Bucks) says he’s being recruited to run as a centrist counterweight to a liberal Democratic nominee for Governor next year.
Gift or Gag? Corbett Pushes Rescue Package for Philly Schools: Governor Corbett decided on Sunday to send additional funding to the Philadelphia School District but some are criticizing the move as too little. too late.