Clinton Coming to Montco for Kane

Former President Bill Clinton will rally with supporters of Kathleen Kane Thursday as she enters the final leg of her Attorney General campaign.

“I am so pleased to announce this Thursday President Bill Clinton will be joining me for a rally in Montgomery County!! All are welcome…details below!!” Kane’s facebook page said. Event details are below.

Kane, a former assistant Lackawanna County District Attorney, had worked for Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid in 2008. President Clinton endorsed her in late March.

Her Democratic opponent, former Congressman Patrick Murphy of Bucks County, endorsed Barack Obama in 2008. Senior Obama campaign adviser David Axelrod endorsed and stumped for Murphy Monday.

The winner of the primary will face Republican Dave Freed, the Cumberland County District Attorney, in November.

Here are the details of the event:

Please join President Bill Clinton for a ‘get out the vote’ rally honoring Kathleen Kane
Democratic Candidate for Pennsylvania Attorney General

Thursday, April 12, 2012
6:00 p.m Doors Open
6:30 p.m Rally

Upper Moreland High School
3000 Terwood Road
Willow Grove PA 19090


13 Responses

  1. Kane hasn’t worked in years! She is unemployed. When she did work years ago, it was as a part time ADA in Lackawanna County. How does this qualify her for the job? It makes no sense. Look at the money she and her family gave to Hillary. She also made contributions to Tom Corbett’s AG campaign and McCain’s presidential campaign. She was one of the ringleaders of Democrats for McCain. She and her husband are republicans. Don’t be fooled.

  2. You’re right President Clinton was a former Attorney General.

    You know what Bill Clinton did before he was elected AG- he was a law professor at the University of Arkansas.

    You know how many cases he prosecuted before being elected AG?— ZERO.

    But really, let’s continue to talk about the Attorney General’s office as a Law and Order SVU episode.

  3. Kathleen Kane is independent of Pennsylvania’s less than sterling Democratic Party Leadership. Remember Bonusgate. Time for an independent prosecutor.

    Dave Freed is a disaster for Pennsylvania justice because of his conflicts. How likely is it that Dave Freed will investigate his children’s grandfather?

    Have we not had enough of a politicized attorney general’s office

  4. Well, the district he represented is historically Republican so it’s not like he was fighting on even ground. As for not prosecuting a case in the state before running for AG, I would like to point out that Pres. Clinton ran for AG and won in Arkansas without having experience in an Arkansas courtroom. But I’m sure that’s ok because he “supports” Kane. You Kane supporters sound a lot like Republicans to me. But I guess that makes sense because Kane isn’t a real Democrat.

    Yes, Murphy hasn’t prosecuted in a while either but he was serving in Congress. What was Ms.Kane doing? Patrick was standing up for those being discriminated against. He was standing up to make sure every American has health-care, assault weapons were being taken off of our streets. It’s not like he wasn’t doing public service to defend Pennsylvanians.

    Patrick was a constitutional law professor, he’s no dummy. He understands what the AG’s office does. Last week Kane attacked Murphy on the ultrasound bill saying he can’t choose which laws he can enforce. Actually, he has an obligation to be an independent lawyer for the state. If a law is unconstitutional, the AG has the duty not to enforce it.

  5. Murphy’s never stepped into a PA courtroom to prosecute a case. He was a JAG court attorney and hasn’t been in the military for several years, so he hasn’t prosecuted a case in several years. Military court is very different than US criminal court and judging by some of the things Murphy has said, he doesn’t understand the law. He can’t win a statewide race against an R. He has a 97% record of voting w/Pelosi. He lost his last Congressional race because of it. If he can’t win his home base against an R, how is he going to win statewide?

  6. I wonder how much money Kane gave to Hillary that the former President is bothering to campaign with her. As an registered Republican, I want to see Kane in the fall. How is a former ADA, who hasn’t stepped foot in a courtroom since 07 going to compete against an actual District Attorney? Kane isn’t going to win in the fall with a message that she’s the strongest prosecutor in the race…because that won’t be true. At least Murphy has other story lines to offer. Besides, how can she beat a campaign against Republican’s, when she has a track record of supporting them?

  7. No, she is still a prosecutor. Clinton, being a former Attorney General himself, knows she is the most qualified candidate to get a Democrat in that office for the first time in state history.

  8. He is coming to PA for other events… Seems this prosecutor is now a politician!hmmmm

  9. Clinton is obviously serious about this race and his endorsement. Taking it to Murphy on his home turf! Ouch – this one has got to hurt the Murphy camp. Kane is the most qualified candidate, and the former President sees it.

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