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Cosgrove Jumps into Commonwealth Court Race

Cosgrove Campaign HeadshotCommonwealth Court Judge Joe Cosgrove has decided to jump into the race for his current seat on the Commonwealth Court.  He will run in the Democratic Primary.  

“I believe my experience as a judge and lawyer make me uniquely qualified to continue serving on the Commonwealth Court,” Cosgrove said in a released statement.  

Governor Tom Wolf appointed Cosgrove to the Commonwealth Court in July.  

Before being appointed to the Commonwealth Court, Cosgrove was the Chief Counsel to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, and a counsel to the Administrative Office of the Pennsylvania Courts.

“No one who lives in Pennsylvania goes through a day without feeling the influence of a decision by the Commonwealth Court. It is an awesome responsibility – one I take with the utmost seriousness, and dedicate my complete energy to each and every day,” Cosgrove concluded.  

There two seats up for election this year on the Commonwealth Court.  Todd Eagen and Ellen Ceisler have both announced for the Democratic Primary as well.  The Court currently has six Republicans and one Democrat.

7 Responses

  1. He can’t spell loyalty. Turned his back on one of the states top democrats, without any justification. No profile in courage when it comes to Cosgrove.

  2. He’s Persona non gratis in Philadelphia. We remember disloyalty And what he did to our former Justice. He will get zero support down here. Book it.

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