Former State Rep. Gordon Denlinger announced he is exiting the race for Lieutenant Governor after not receiving the endorsement of the PA GOP.
“We started this journey because Harrisburg needed leadership and integrity and because our next governor needs a partner with the experience and relationships to advance his or her agenda. My campaign ends today but our mission does not,” Denlinger said.
Denlinger’s announcement comes just days after the PA GOP voted to endorse Jeff Bartos for Lieutenant Governor. The announcement continues to narrow the field of candidates not tied to a specific candidate. Ahead of the endorsement vote, Otto Voit announced he was ending his campaign.
“I want to congratulate Jeff Bartos on winning the endorsement of the Republican State Committee. I am also grateful to both Jeff and Otto Voit for running hard-fought, spirited campaigns that were clean and focused on the issues. If three candidates can run against each other in the manner we did, there is hope for politics,” Denlinger said.
Montgomery County Commissioner Joe Gale is the only candidate to not create a ticket with a Gubernatorial candidate.
Paul Mango’s Gubernatorial campaign announced earlier Tuesday that Washington County Commissioner Diana Irey Vaughan would be joining his ticket as the Lieutenant Governor candidate.
5 Responses
Should have stayed on in the House.
Should grow a pair of testicles
Gordy you spineless wretch! You are a disgrace to the family!
Delinger quits….of course he does!
maybe I will support you next time Gordon maybe like a congressional run in the future but I do like you and I would like to see you run for office again though.