With the DCCC hot on his heels, Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick (R-Bucks) is storing up his treasure chest ahead of this year’s midterm elections.
According to a campaign source, the Fitzpatrick campaign collected about $350,000 during the last fundraising quarter. This gives them $1.28 million cash on hand, the most the Congressman has ever had going into an election year.
The total is still less, however, than the $462K the incumbent pulled in during the last fundraising quarter from July to September. Back then, though, Fitzpatrick had only $1.04 million cash on hand.
On the Democratic side, Iraq and Afghan War veteran Kevin Strouse revealed last week that he raised $200,000 in the last fiscal quarter and has $470,000 cash on hand. The DCCC announced back in May that it would be supporting Strouse’s campaign and has had some of its biggest stars raise money for the first-time candidate.
Therefore, Fitzpatrick will need to keep his fundraising numbers steady in order to ensure he maintains the traditional incumbent advantage in terms of financial resources.
Strouse’s Democratic primary opponent, businesswoman Shaughnessey Naughton has yet to announce her fundraising totals.
One Response
I’m sure he’ll just use that cash to booze it up at the Hulmeville Inn or Sandy’s