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PA-Gov: Wolf Compared to Bloomberg, Obama in Critical GOP Mailer

Gun mailerThe PA Republican Party is seeking to hit Wolf on the issue of guns with their latest piece of direct mail.

The mailer features profiles of both Wolf and President Obama side by side, as well as a large and imposing picture of former New York City Mayor, and prominent gun control advocate, Michael Bloomberg.

The Democratic nominee is lambasted for accepting endorsements from Bloomberg and CeasefirePA, one of the commonwealth’s anti-gun organizations. Wolf specifically receives flak for not opposing any of the groups “anti-gun” proposals in their endorsement survey.

A few particulars of Wolf’s gun control agenda are presented in an unfavorable light.

“Wolf supports local governments passing new liberal gun control laws, creating a patchwork of anti-gun laws across Pennsylvania,” it states.

On the right hand side of the mailer, Tom Corbett’s past as a champion for gun rights is touted by Chris Cox, Chairman of the NRA Political Victory Fund.

“Tom Corbett has stood up to the gun control crowd and protected our Second Amendment freedoms in Pennsylvania,” Cox writes. “As Governor, he signed into law ‘Castle Doctrine’ legislation expanding protection to law-abiding citizens for self-defense.”

In last night’s debate, Wolf voiced his support for “reasonable background checks” but also made a point to mention his York County roots and the limited nature of his reforms.

10 Responses

  1. The comment about being scared of brown people and Jews is beyond the pale. It’s racist and inflammatory and as an America who is Latino, I take personal offense to it. Corbett sucks, yes he does, but at this point the fact that Wolf has been less than forth coming about questions I have asked point blank is one of the reasons I will not vote for him.

    I simply believe as a “Brown” minority in a very White area, I have the right to protect myself and my family from the White racists in my area. Anyone who wants to take that away in any way shape of form will never get my vote. I am tired of progressives not allowing Americans of all colors the ability to defend ourselves from drug gangs, criminals and racists. Baltimore was the same way, I can’t protect myself when I have thugs harassing me. Soon I won’t be able to protect my family from the racists in the world.

  2. We just DID learn our lesson in Pennsylvania about electing an “inexperienced promise anything” Governor. Is the “Promises Made, promises kept” schtick something that TC copied from a Berks County Commissioner or is that from the Frank Luntz talking points book? Or is it borrowed from the book, “How to make something out of nothing”?

  3. If you want your child to go to a good school, or you want working class people to get a raise, or you want to make frackers pay a severance tax for taking our natural resources, vote Wolf.

    If you want slightly easier access to guns and are scared by brown people and Jews, vote Corbett.

    Sounds like a compelling argument Governor…

  4. Based on all these comments one could easily conclude 8th graders are promoting their choice for class president. If Pennsylvanians have not learned the price paid for electing an inexperienced, promise everything candidate (Obama) then they deserve what they would get with a tax and spend, Tom Steyer owned Wolf.

  5. The Republicans can not run CORBETT on his dismal record so they flip to lies innuendos and distractions.. GUNOWNERSHIP IS ONE OF THEM. As a Governor CORBETT is finished. The only question is how bad. My guess is a larger margin than Santorum lost his Senate race. Koch Brothers find out they can’t buy Pennsylvania Wolf victory a true victory for the middle class in Pennsylvania

  6. Republicans lost me when I couldn’t use
    my protection permit, which is a photo ID issued by
    your local Sheriff after a BACKGROUND CHECK, IN THE 2012
    PRIMARY. ALEC and the Koch’s lost that one !

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