PA-Sen: Pres. Obama Records Audio Ad for McGinty

president-barack-obama-2013-inauguration-537x442President Obama is going above and beyond to make sure Katie McGinty wins the Senate Democratic primary.

As we predicted, he cut a radio ad for the former Chief of Staff to Gov. Wolf.

“This is President Barack Obama,” the sixty-second spot begins. “I am asking you to join me in supporting Democrat Katie McGinty for the United States Senate on Tuesday, April 26.”

The President then transitions to McGinty’s background and her work in expanding Medicaid while in the Governor’s office.

“As the ninth of ten kids and the mother of three daughters, Katie is fighting to ensure every family has a fair shot at getting ahead. She worked with Governor Wolf to get Obamacare up and running in Pennsylvania, helping 500,000 more Pennsylvanians know the financial security of health insurance.”

Pres. Obama concludes by asking listeners to vote for McGinty.

“When I needed someone to fight for me in Pennsylvania, Katie McGinty was there. That’s why I know you can count on her to fight for you and your family. So on Tuesday, April 26, please get out to vote and support Katie McGinty for Senate. Thanks.”

The McGinty camp did not say how big the ad buy was or where the message would be playing. It would make sense, though, for them to target Philadelphia and its large number of African-American voters, who could be persuaded by the personal endorsement of the country’s first black President.

McGinty is running against former Congressman Joe Sestak and Braddock Mayor John Fetterman in the April 26th Democratic primary.

17 Responses

  1. McGinty worked for a governor whose administration implemented a law? That’s her big accomplishment touted by the Prez? Is this a joke?

  2. Rendell met with Sestak and told him my way or the highway. sestak said he would prefer to manage his own campaign instead of having a manager who might be indicted any day for dirty tricks in violation of federal election law. . Rendell then went thru his short list finally getting down get down to 7th choice mgGinty — whom he knew could of course count on to say yessir and follow any order she got from him (having totally proved her loyalty by fast tracking chosen Rendell backers through DEP.) Sestak appears to have the work ethic ( ‘most productive congressman’ in his class ) and the brass to s and up to the dem machine who does not s eem to want to listen to r an and file– just spend our money to buy a 7th are candidate the chance to get slaughtered by Toomey. do you t think it’s escaped GOP notice that mcGinty was caught in whoppers by the Post Gazette? what stupid decisions by the Rendellians– spending $4 million on trying to buy the primary for their upper candidate. count me out.

  3. “Astute” Observer — First of all, calling yourself an “astute” observer doesn’t make you one. You are just another anti-Sestak troll who offers no evidence to support his over-the-top allegations. A skunk by any other name smells just as bad …….

    But you are right. Those people you mentioned are not stupid, unless they really think their actions are making a Democratic Senator from PA more likely.

    More likely, they are corrupt, and are addicted to the money which enables them to maintain their private Party fiefdoms. It is those who allow themselves to be persuaded by the Party Machine who will be stupid.

  4. So our president, vice-president, and nearly every democratic senator are stupid? But yes of course Joe Sestak is the only noble democrat and the rest might as well be tea-partiers.

    Even the military reprimands him for being a jerk and using his FORMER title for politics (hint: he got demoted for being that jerk). He’s not anti-establishment as much as he is anti-everyone that doesn’t look back at him in the mirror.

  5. “Astute” Observer said “The endorsements speak volumes.”

    Rather you should have said, ‘the establishment money behind these endorsements speaks volumes’ Unfortunately, when you try to decipher what is being said in these “volumes”, it amounts to nothing more than stupidity.

  6. If Sestak was truly helpful to these people, they never would have encouraged and supported McGinty. The endorsements speak volumes.

  7. Kinda lost most of my respect for Obama over this. Sestak supported him, notably helping him win a narrow 4 vote victory in the House of Representatives that allowed the healthcare law to pass. This is the thanks that Sestak gets.

    The “Mighty Casey” has struck out on this one.

  8. I think Marie’s is the better explanation as to why Fina has not been FORCED to resign:

    Frank Fina is now Seth Williams’ only friend left. Do you think it is just a coincidence that, right as the Feds tighten their noose and Seth runs out of money, he just so happens to stumble upon a Corbett Republican in Harrisburg to be his campaign manager? It’s laughable. But, it’s also easy to follow. Frank Fina is also a Corbett guy. Seth, on the ropes, is desperate for friends and desperate for money. Fina hooks him up with his pal, Mike Barley and a Harrisburg bartender (LMAO). Seth starts hanging out at Union League, demoting hard-working female Deputies, getting fat and wearing bow-ties, sleeping with women he hired (and vise versa) …… and his transformation to Corbett Repervlican is complete. It’s hard to decide who is more pathetic – Seth Williams or Frank Fina.

  9. Geez, they’re doing anything and everything in their power to try to make us vote for McGinty.

  10. Man, they’re really pulling out all the stops to force McGinty on us, aren’t they? All because Arlen Specter was a decade late in realizing he wasn’t a Republican any more. And it will probably work, and the worst possible candidate will win the primary. Thanks, Obama.

  11. Two notes:

    1) Even Obama is calling it Obamacare now.

    2) “The McGinty camp did not say how big the ad buy was or where the message would be playing. ”

    Make it call Sestak’s house and campaign HQ every 10 minutes. Might try the house in Virginia as well.

  12. And you vote in the Democratic primary, Bill? Sounds like you might be more comfortable on the other side with Trump and Cruz.

  13. This is part of a big money push behind McGinty. We’ve received three large postcards in three days promoting her job-killing Socialist ideas ($15/hour minimum wage hike that even Jerry Brown said hurts the economy, wasting taxpayer money promoting “green” jobs like Solanydra), and a badly worded push poll promoting her pro-abortion agenda.

  14. Obama also endorsed Josh Shapiro in the AG Primary. Will be interesting to see how they (McGinty and Shapiro) fare.

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