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Progressive PAC Airs Anti-Gorsuch Ads in PA

PFAW AdThe liberal PAC People for the American (PFAW) way have begun airing ads advocating against President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch.  

PFAW’s ad is running in Pennsylvania and 11 other states.  The ad begins with a man who you only see from the neck down in judge’s robes ripping up a copy of the Constitution.  It flips back and forth between the person continuing to rip the Constitution and slides detailing their issues with Gorsuch.  The ad runs through a list of reasons why the group opposes Gorsuch, which they expand on in a PDF it also released.  

You can view the ad below:

Pennsylvania’s Senators have also released statements on Gorsuch’s nomination.  

Pennsylvania’s senior Senator Bob Casey’s stance is a cautious one.  

“I will thoroughly review Judge Gorsuch’s record, particularly his appellate decisions and his answers to questions during the hearing and those submitted in writing afterward,” Casey said.

Pennsylvania’s junior Senator Pat Toomey came out in support of Gorsuch.  

“I was pleased to see President Trump nominate Judge Neil Gorsuch to fill Justice Antonin Scalia’s seat on the Supreme Court of the United States,” Toomey said.

8 Responses

  1. Retiredjohn: Your username is probably accurate. But do you know where the term “snowflakes” originated? Or maybe you do and intended it that way.

  2. PA Politics joins the Trump propaganda team and attacks an orgamization that might have gotten a donation by George Soros.

  3. Sorry, readers. In the first sentence of the last paragraph, I meant “latter course of action” and not “latter option”.

  4. @Barricks Einwohner. Good point, and one that is probably really bothering Schumer and other Democrats right now. They face two stark choices. Do they want to:

    Trigger the “nuclear option” with the Gorsuch nomination, and make it easy for the next nominee to be confirmed without another Democratic show trial; or

    Confirm Gorsuch without provoking McConnell to invoke the “”nuclear option”, and save up their political capital in hope of better fighting a future nominee who could threaten the “balance” on the court (i.e., if a liberal seat goes vacant).

    A good strategist might prefer the latter course of action. But Senate Democrats might face considerable opprobrium right now if they don’t go all out against Gorsuch. What is left of their base is still quite upset. So they may be forced to choose the former case, and risk bringing down the “nuclear option”.

    And even if they choose the latter option, the Democrats may end up in a bind. If they block a future Trump nominee for one of “their” seats, and delay things long enough, there might be one less liberal justice for a SCOTUS term, and a lot of 5-3 decisions tilting right. Or the vacancy might come up after the 2018 elections, which could make any fights by Senate Democrats even more of a vain enterprise than at present.

  5. Of course he will be confirmed, the real fight will be the next nomination, if there is one.

  6. This ad was produced months ago and they just waited to fill in the name.

    I’m constantly amazed at how liberals can find an obligation in the Constitution for me to pay for other people’s birth control and at the same time question my right to own a firearm.

  7. Those who may want to see Casey around another term should urge him to keep his distance from the PFAW and adverts such as this. His statement on the Gorsuch nomination suggests that even he may be alarmed by the unreasonable hyper- partisanship shown in this ad. Does he realize that despite the high-decibel screaming from PFAW and others, Trump will get his nomination approved by the Senate?

    BTW, check out PFAW’s funding. The Open Society Institute, one of George Soros’ more robust tentacles, is one of its major financial backers. Should we be surprised?

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