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Rasmussen Reports: Obama 48, Romney 44 in PA

President Obama still has a lead over Mitt Romney in Pennsylvania, but that may be shrinking according to the latest poll by Rasmussen Reports.

A poll taken of “likely voters” in the state shows Obama with 48 percent of the vote and Romney with 44. The remaining voters were either undecided (at 5 percent) or preferred another candidate (4 percent).

Here is the list of questions asked.

Rasmussen Reports conducted the poll of 500 voters on July 18.

The margin of sampling error is +/- 4.5 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.

That lead is down a couple points compared with other recent surveys. A We Ask America poll from last week had the President ahead by 7 points in the state, with a Quinnipiac poll from late June had him up 6.

4 Responses

  1. I find it difficult to believe that 48% of any polled group would seriously consider voting for a man who has, by all accounts, decimated this country. Now, more than ever, we must place principles above party affiliation.

  2. Kelly Cernetich-

    Please edit the story to contain the word “Pennsylvania” somewhere rather than just “the state”.

    It makes the article clearer if people link to it. Tittle should have PA in it.

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