Good morning politicos, here’s the buzz. A new poll shows Obama and Casey both lead their opponents in PA; Critz votes against Obamacare repeal; Meehan passes the $2M mark; Santorum becomes a stem cell group spokesman; and the PA Dems are banking on Voter ID to bring in some money.
Poll: Obama by 7, Casey by 14: Barack Obama leads Mitt Romney 47 to 40, according to a poll by the firm We Ask America. The organization also found Sen. Bob Casey with a 53 to 39 lead over Republican challenger Tom Smith.
Pro-Obama Poll: Romney’s Popularity Waning in PA: A recent poll conducted on behalf of a pro-Obama super PAC indicates a widening lead for President Obama in PA, as well as a trend of declining popularity for Mitt Romney. The poll attributes much of the change to Obama’s negative ads regarding Bain Capital.
New Obama Ad: Ask the Wealthy to Pay More (Watch Video): The Obama campaign has released a new television ad targeting Mitt Romney’s tax plan, keeping up the message that the Republican hopeful wants to cut tax breaks for millionaires. Obama, meanwhile, wants to, “ask the wealthy to pay a little more.”
Critz Votes Against Obamacare Repeal: After Rep. Mark Critz voted against the repeal of the Affordable Healthcare Act, his opponent Keith Rothfus seized the opportunity to portray Critz as an opponent of Medicare. The debate even lead to a heated rhetorical battle over Twitter this afternoon.
Santorum: Stem Cell Research Spokesperson: Rick Santorum, arguably today’s most high-profile Catholic Republican, announced he will now serve as the spokesman for the Catholic organization “Give Cures,” the John Paul II Stem Cell Research Institute, which implements only adult stem cell research.
Dems Fundraise Over Voter ID (Watch Video): The unexpected wave of media coverage and controversy sparked by House Majority Leader Mike Turzai’s comments about the Voter ID law at a state party committee meeting last month seems to have given PA Democrats not only a great talking point, but a way to fundraise.
Meehan Campaign Passes $2 Million Mark; Badey Lags Behind: U.S. Rep. Pat Meehan has raised more than $2 million in the current election cycle, widening the financial gap between himself and his Democratic challenger George Badey.
The Hill: House votes 244-185 to repeal Obama healthcare reform law
The Hill: House unlikely to vote on postal reform bill before August recess
The Hill: Tide turns against Law of the Sea Treaty
The Hill: White House: Romney outsourcing charges don’t ‘pass the laugh test’
New York Times: Romney Says He Offers Better Chance for Blacks
The Caucus: Dueling Videos Highlight Obama-Romney Clash
Five Thirty Eight: July 11: Has Anything Changed in the Presidential Race?
Morning Call: Another vote to repeal, but not replace, healthcare law
Capitol Ideas: Teens ruin cough medicine for the rest of us
Capitol Ideas: State House announces its fall session days
Capitol Ideas: PA to ban smoking in state parks?
State House Sound Bites: Corbett’s reviews roll in & no special election for Pippy’s seat
PA Independent: State does not keep records on felons receiving pensions
PA Independent: Thermoplastics plant steps in to save refining jobs
PA Independent: Transparency reforms will address some audit concerns
State Impact PA: “Truthland” Screened in Harrisburg
State Impact PA: Preparations Ahead to Develop Utica Shale
State Impact PA: Marcellus Tax Loopholes on WHYY’s Radio Times
State Impact PA: Pa. Funnels $15 Million to Keep Petrochemical Plant Operating in Delaware County
Capitolwire: No special election to fill Pippy’s Senate seat, Cawley says
Capitolwire: Natural gas industry-financed film screened at the Capitol to rebut anti-gas drilling documentary
Capitolwire: Corbett issues slightly higher revenue estimate than IFO
AP: State revenue estimate lowered
WHYY Newsworks: 2nd Philadelphia casino license up for grabs
WHYY Newsworks: Expert says misleading ads on the way in presidential season
WHYY Newsworks: Anti-dogfighting program fails to catch on in Philadelphia
WHYY Newsworks: Plastics manufacturing preserved at Marcus Hook plant under $15 million Corbett deal
KYW Newsradio: Braskem America To Purchase Portion Of Sunoco’s Marcus Hook Refinery
KYW Newsradio: Septa Gets Big Federal Grant To Help Refurbish Its Wayne Junction Power Substation
KYW Newsradio: Local Environmental Group Says Electric Cars Are Ready To Roll in Pa.
Philly Tribune: Romney draws boos from NAACP crowd Activists Collect Signatures as Cheri Honkala Is Chosen as Green Party VP Candidate Sen. Pat Toomey & Others Urge Denying Medicaid Expansion DAILY GRINDER: Nutter Says Homeless Food Ban Part of Broader Strategy
Philly Clout: Mayor Nutter slams Mitt Romney’s speech NAACP
Philly Clout: Singles back Obama, wed Romney, polls show
Daily News: With AVI debate delayed, city’s property tax unfairness continues
Daily News: Law raises minimum penalty for hit and run drivers who kill, but not the minimum
Inquirer: In Moorestown, a new debate on about the location of liquor licenses
Inquirer: Judge sets arguments on ban on feeding the homeless on Parkway
Pottstown Mercury: New law expands red light camera program to Montco
Daily Local: Coatesville Police Chief Canale retires
Daily Local: Hearing on Limerick nuke plant using more river water set for Aug. 28
Daily Local: Doyle resigns from Oxford Borough Council
Daily Local: Borough committee discusses Thornbury police contracts
Montgomery Media: Hatboro borough manager stepping down
Delco Daily Times: 45 teachers reinstated by Upper Darby School Board Judge won’t dismiss Bucks whistle-blower case, citing ‘ample evidence’ Candidates split along party lines on repeal vote
Tribune Review: Millions coming to Western Pa. for disadvantaged students
Tribune Review: Butler County reports healthy financial condition
Early Returns: Freed raises money off of drug bust
Early Returns: New Obama spot targets tax plans
Early Returns: Poll: Outsourcing attacks working in Pa.
Early Returns: Harrisburg hog call!
Post Gazette: Post-Gazette sues to take photos, video in polling places on day of general election
Observer-Reporter: No special election for 37th state Senate seat
The Indiana Gazette: Corbett signs bill expanding doctoral program in state
Altoona Mirror: Bedford tax rates to drop
Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Senate to debate tax policies
Reading Eagle: Romney son at Berkshire Country Club fundraiser
WFMZ: Pa. plans smoking ban in state parks
Express Times: Gov. Tom Corbett lauds expansion of Daiichi Sankyo plant at LVIP VI
South Whitehall Patch: 6 percent of Lehigh County voters lack PA photo ID
AP: Scranton unions fight back after mayor slashes pay to minimum wage
Times Leader: As Senate debates bill, Casey touts tax-cut plan
Times-Tribune: Rendell prods Scranton council, unions
Times-Tribune: Fine revenue transfer pays for trooper cadets
Citizens Voice: Reps to hold business consultations
Standard Speaker: State spares district projects
South Central
Lancaster Intelligencer/Era: Romney’s son helps dad raise $400,000 here
Carlisle Sentinel: Casey introduces bill restricting sale of cough syrup to minors
Patriot News: Dauphin County energy saving project exceeds first-year expectations
Patriot News: Today’s poll: Should Harrisburg be forced to hike residents’ earned income tax?
Patriot News: Emotions boil at Harrisburg meeting over receiver’s push to raise taxes
Patriot News: Gov. Tom Corbett shows improvement in 2nd year, but remains a work in progress, Capitol insiders say
North by Northwest
Sharon Herald: Need here is up, local official says
State College: Future Hearings to Be Scheduled in Perjury Case Against Curley, Schultz
Centre Daily Times: Scheduling order expected after pretrial conference in Tim Curley and Gary Schultz perjury case
Times-Tribune Editorial: Judge makes corruption more costly
Standard Speaker Editorial: Teacher evaluation must be uniform
Reading Eagle Editorial: Ideological intransigence may mean another recession
Daily News: Corbett should stand up for state and take Medicaid expansion
Inquirer: Fracking ban is about our water
Post Gazette: Just the ticket: The stadium authority needs to end its cozy ways
Post Gazette: Bad bargain: The U.S. commitment to Afghanistan grows
Post Gazette: Time to vote (really?): Aug. 7 is election day in the 40th Senate District
Patriot News: Try it again: Redistricting maps are still head-scratchers
Lancaster Intelligencer/Era: Maps tell us we’re headed in wrong direction
Keystone Liberty: Summer Recess: Achievements & Stalemates
2 Political Junkies: More on Scaife’s brain trust
Keystone Progress: House Republicans Tell Americans To Drop Dead Keystone Progress Says Congress Is Intent On Fighting Old Political Battles When Focus Should Be Economy
Pennsylvania Progressive: Romney PA Finance Co-chair a convicted felon
Keystone Politics: Hospitals Could Face Financial Crisis If PA Rejects Medicaid Expansion
Keystone Politics: Sounds Like Tom Corbett’s Kind of Economic Development Handout
Keystone Politics: PA-7: Winnable, But Badey Lags Meehan in Fundraising
2 Responses
The biggest “buzz” story should be that FBI report said that Paterno was part of the Sandusky coverup
All people need to know about Critz is that he will never do anything unless it gets him in office or gets him money. And that he supports the rape of women by the US military.
And that Casey and Obama feel the same way.