Two GOP Pennsylvania Congressmen make the National Journal’s initial most vulnerable 2020 House members list. Here is the Playbook.
National Journal: Perry, Fitzpatrick Make Initial 2020 Vulnerable List: In Hotline’s first House-race rankings of the 2020 cycle, two GOP incumbents in Pennsylvania make the top 20 list.
Beto Talks Gun Violence, Economy in Western PA: The 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful pushed his gun control plan in Pittsburgh on Wednesday and talked about bringing jobs back to Erie on Thursday.
Wild To Host Town Hall on Wednesday: Rep. Susan Wild (D-Lehigh) will be holding a town hall at Muhlenberg College in the Seegers Union Event Space on Wednesday night at 7 PM.
Harrisburg & DC
KDKA: Pennsylvania Voter Registration Deadline Is 1 Week Away
AP: GOP Group Starts Ads Attacking 3 House Democrats On Impeachment
Pennsylvania Capital-Star: Want to vote in this year’s municipal elections? The last day to register is Oct. 7
Pennsylvania Capital-Star: Pa.’s Shapiro joins other AGs to sue Trump over Endangered Species Act rollback
StateImpactPA: An Erie biology professor felt like he couldn’t control what’s happening in Washington. Then he led a campaign against a polluting coke plant in his community
Inquirer: As colleges compete for fewer students, the pressure rises to meet enrollment targets
WHYY Newsworks: As Trump slashes refugee arrivals, a look at who has been resettling in Pa.
PLSReporter: Without legalization in doubt, Democrats eye expedited pardons for marijuana convictions
PLSReporter: Recommendation to replace Keystone Exams with SATs sparks concerns among education associations
PLSReporter: Draw the Lines awards district map contest winners
Post-Gazette: You might pay a little more for a beer tomorrow at breweries in Pennsylvania
WHYY Newsworks: Philly councilmember pushing to spread out marijuana dispensaries
Inquirer: Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro to host Philly meeting on student debt crisis
Inquirer: Councilman David Oh creates Facebook firestorm with post on Elizabeth Warren’s backing ‘gender change’ surgery
Inquirer: How Councilman Brian O’Neill’s approach to land use has shaped Northeast Philly
Inquirer: Police arbitration payouts have cost Philly taxpayers at least $5 million over the last decade
Inquirer: $29.6 billion of Philly real estate is exempt from property taxes. Should nonprofits be asked to pay up?
KYW Newsradio: Monday last chance for Philadelphia clergy abuse victims to file compensation claim
Philadelphia Tribune: Philly sees decline of African American residents living in poverty
Bucks County Courier Times: Toomey, Fitzpatrick tout new federal designation in county’s fight against drugs
WHYY Newsworks: The Chester County DA vs. the Mariner East pipeline
Inquirer: Voters and poll workers had issues with Montgomery County’s new paper ballots. Here’s the plan moving forward.
Inquirer: How Havertown became hot with old-fashioned charm, and without big development
Philly Voice: Pottstown is first in U.S. to test curbside recycling of bubble wrap, grocery bags, shrink wrap, more
Delco Daily Times: Chester updates parking laws
Delco Daily Times: Junior councilperson joins Parkside ruling body
KDKA: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Cuts Print Editions To 3 Days A Week
KDKA: New Bill Would Allow ‘In God We Trust’ To Be Posted In Pennsylvania Schools
Post-Gazette: At deadline, Pittsburgh Diocese priest abuse fund at 232 claims and growing
Post-Gazette: Allegheny County doesn’t track exact hours for police officers on administrative duty
Tribune Review: New Murrysville voting precincts approved
City Paper: Pittsburgh is one of the best regions to live car-free in the U.S.
City Paper: A march for peace, theater as a teaching tool, and more educational and social justice events this week in Pittsburgh
Beaver County Times: Special education funding commission to meet in Moon on Tuesday
Beaver County Times: Nichols: More jobs will bring more people to Beaver County
Beaver County Times: Despite #MeToo movement, sexual assaults remain difficult to prosecute
Beaver County Times: Voter registration deadline is Oct. 7
Tribune Review: After a fading romance with the Democratic Party, Mt. Pleasant became Trump country in 2016
Times-Tribune: Mayor’s decision not to fire DeSarno draws mixed reactions at Council meeting
Times-Tribune: Scranton School Board to consider closing schools for rally in Harrisburg
The Times Leader: Pedri recommends his pick for new voting machines
Citizens Voice: Speakers protest policy change at event for ‘reproductive justice’
South Central
Carlisle Sentinel: GOP to name Carrie Hyams as substitute judicial nominee for county position
Patriot News: Lawmaker finds an alternative to the Market Street Bridge to name after late West Shore senator
York Daily Record: Why is AG against releasing C.Q. Smith grand jury report?
York Dispatch: York County judge candidate Sandra Thompson faces reprimand
Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: “We need young people to succeed.’ Congresswoman Susan Wild hosts Allentown forum on child care
Morning Call: Northampton County District Attorney awards grant to establish community policing award in honor of late Bethlehem mayor
Reading Eagle: Mayor Wally Scott’s budget seeks 1 mill tax increase for Reading property owners
Reading Eagle: Berks County’s new voting machines are ready, election officials say [Video]
Express Times: Bethlehem pioneered ‘community policing.’ Now it will honor officers who exemplify it.
North by Northwest
Erie Times-News: Albion council votes to disband police department
Erie Times-News: Fred Anthony dies; former Erie judge ran juvenile court
KDKA: AG Shapiro: Jefferson Co. Constable Tried To Coerce Woman To Have Sex With Him In Order To Avoid Arrest
Williamsport Sun-Gazette: Regionalized police force talks are ongoing
Williamsport Sun-Gazette: Suspicious package at Lock Haven City Hall determined to be harmless
LNP Editorial Board: Don’t dismiss young people concerned about climate change — listen to them
Inquirer Editorial Board: By advancing mandatory minimums and more preemption, Harrisburg moves backward on gun violence
Post-Gazette Editorial Board: Here come the robots: Colleges should research the future of automation
Post-Gazette Editorial Board: Watchful help or harm?: Police access home surveillance cameras to solve crimes
Charlie Gerow: Impeachment of the president will doom Joe Biden’s candidacy
Pat Christmas: The two big questions City Council must answer about new land bank proposals
John L. Micek: Living on a prayer? Jon Bon Jovi sent out a fundraising email for Cory Booker’s ailing campaign | Monday Morning Coffee
Jonathan Zimmerman: Should universities allow racist speech on campus?
Paul Muschick: Scam involving Craiglist and eBay had many warning signs
Shazia Mehmood Siddique: Colon cancer screening loophole in Medicare – and surprise billing – still waiting for Congress to act
Dick Polman: In thrall to the Dear Leader, Republicans dig a deeper bunker
John M. Eason: Why are private prisons controversial? 3 questions answered
3 Responses
Bad article on Cartwright in an ethics violation investigation per Washington Examiner from three days ago. That makes him very vulnerable. Too bad Rs can’t find anyone to run against him.
Scott Perry is an absolute coward, he won’t stand up to Trump and will lose his seat because of it.
Fitpatrick is done in Bucks County which is rapidly going Dem. He is not navigating the political waters well in the Trump era and an energetic Dem with a skilled focus will defeat him.