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PA-6: 314 PAC Endorses Trivedi

Dr-Manan-Trivedi314 PAC, an organization committed to electing candidates with scientific and technical backgrounds, today endorsed Democrat Manan Trivedi in the 6th Congressional District.

Trivedi served during the Iraq War as a battalion surgeon with the United States Marine Corps. In addition, he treated the poor and uninsured in inner-city and rural areas. Currently, Trivedi is a health policy consultant and part-time primary care physician.

The 314 PAC was created by Shaughnessy Naughton, a Democrat who lost a close primary battle in Pennsylvania’s 8th Congressional District.

“Through his experience as a combat physician with the US Marine Corps, Manan Trivedi has studied the effect PTSD has had on our troops and knows how important research funding is to finding cures and solutions”, says Naughton.

“Trivedi’s platform focuses on pressing issues 314 PAC has highlighted, such as improving our education system’s STEM curriculum and crafting a smarter, cleaner energy policy. We are proud to make him one of our top-tier candidates in the 2014 election cycle.”

Trivedi is currently running against Republican Ryan Costello for the seat left open by the retirement of Congressman Jim Gerlach.

3 Responses

  1. I’m glad to see this local PAC supporting Trivedi. If he is elected, I hope he tells the feckless DCCC to f*ck off if they come around asking for his support.

  2. Thank you! This is a very sorely needed focus. As a licensed Professional Engineer (PE) who has run for local office, it is infuriating how inefficiently we spend our tax money, because few to none of those elected has any work experience in STEM. Especially at the local level, where every technical decision is made of, by and for for-profit “professional services” contractors (so named so they are 100% shielded from any competition or or even peer oversight). These contractors continually find in favor of their profits, without regard to cheaper and/or less disruptive options.

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