PA-Sen: Toomey Talks Iran in Weekly Republican Address (VIDEO)

Last weekend, Senator Pat Toomey delivered the Weekly Republican Address in which he previewed the upcoming Senate debate on the President’s nuclear deal with Iran.

He emphasized the importance of the upcoming congressional vote, specifically explaining the negative consequences that could come from the implementation of this deal.

“What’s at stake here is nothing less than the possibility of giving hundreds of billions of dollars to the world’s largest and worst state sponsor of terrorism, and ultimately paving the way for this outlaw regime to obtain nuclear weapons,” says Toomey.

He went on to cite consultations with experts, as well as classified briefings, to asserting that this agreement could be dangerous to the world’s security.

“The deal allows Iran to keep industrial-scale uranium enrichment capacity,” Toomey states. “It allows Iran to keep important underground facilities open. It allows Iran to engage in further nuclear enrichment research and development. A country that is uninterested in nuclear weapons doesn’t need any of that.”

Toomey then addresses President Barack Obama’s argument that the deal contains inspection provisions that will catch any Iranian cheating.  He contests that there are serious holes in those provisions, one of which being that the deal allows Iran to delay necessary inspections for a period of 24 days.

Toomey goes on to further explain what the deal entails.

“The deal removes economic sanctions up front, removing our greatest leverage and providing Iran with over one hundred twenty billion dollars in cash within months” the Senator asserts. “Like all of the radical Islamic terrorist movements, if Iran is able to inflict harm on Americans, it will do so, and this deal would give Iran the capacity to inflict harm in much more destructive ways than it is currently able to do.”

Toomey finished by noting the strong current forming in opposition to the pact in recent polling and urged listeners to press their representatives to vote against the deal.

“We know the tyrants in Iran are directly responsible for killing Americans in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Lebanon. We know Iran has in the past, and is currently, holding Americans hostage. We know Iran cannot be trusted,” Toomey concluded. “I urge you to speak out and encourage your Senators and Representatives to vote against this deal. It’s not too late to save America from this disaster.”

3 Responses

  1. What Toomey completely ignores is the alternative to this agreement. He says the deal is possibly dangerous, but the alternative is war, which is the ultimate danger. He is really propounding a greater danger. Rather than offering any viable alternative, Toomey repeats empty fear-mnongering statements.

  2. Thank You for voting and feeling the same way I do about Iran and I might also add the President. I can not understand how anyone with intelligence and common sense and who has not seen or read the entire document – including side deals plus whatever else is not shared – can possibly vote in the affirmative for it. I thought they were elected to represent their constituents not placate the President as if he were the King, even though he thinks he is.

    Your words are my sentiments exactly. I just hope and pray that we will still have a country by January, 2017.

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