Our readers have turned against JoePa.
In light of the recent revelations about Jerry Sandusky, we decided to ask how our readers now feel about Penn State’s long-time head coach.
698 respondents believe that Paterno covered up his assistant’s crimes.
Just 322 readers think Paterno was not involved.
The full results are included below:
Do You Believe Joe Paterno Covered Up Jerry Sandusky’s Crimes? Total Voters: 1,020
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60 Responses
The Corbett and Fina led AG’s Office was corrupt. They were prosecutors with personal agendas. Corbett is scum. Fina is corrupt. They “got” Sandusky and let all their friends slide. And, on just about all their cases, they illegally leak material and try to bully people into pleading guilty. On the Sandusky investigation, they turned their backs on victims and slow-rolled. They allowed Sandusky to continue raping children.
Just read Aaron Fisher’s book. Just look at all the Fina cases falling apart when put under microscope. Fina’s new boss (Seth Williams) just had to personally beg a defendant to accept a deal so he could avoid having to take Fina’s “sting” case to Court.
Speaking of Fina and Williams, we now know that they COULDN’T CARE LESS about innocent people getting jailed for crimes they did not commit:
From PennLive article — “The committee’s work took four long years but, in 2011, it released its report, a 316-page tome that thoroughly analyzed the causes of wrongful convictions and offered a series of recommendations to fix the problem.
The committee’s recommendations included greater preservation of biological evidence, changes in witness interviews and photo lineups, state-based funding for indigent defense services, video and audio recording of interrogations, and compensation for people who are wrongly convicted.
Unfortunately, law enforcement, led by the District Attorneys’ association, released its own minority report.
That minority report diminished the committee’s recommendations and refused to even acknowledge the reality of innocent people in prison.
Signers of the minority report included Frank Fina, Allegheny County District Attorney Stephen Zappala, and Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams.
Perhaps most appalling of all, the minority report called the idea of compensating wrongly convicted people “preposterous.”
Apparently – Frank Fina thinks he deserves taxpayer $$$ and has sued the State trying to get some. But – he doesn’t think innocent people who get sent to jail by corrupt prosecutors like him should recover. Shame on him.
And Shame on Seth Williams for authoring this disgusting “minority report.”
Ha – I love that one. BTW – Fuck JoePa. Fuck Frank Fina, Fuck Corbett. And fuck and everyone else who allowed Sandusky to rape children
Spread the Word to OWN the re-turd.
A few years? Did the PEDOPHILLE get sentenced already? Either way – they need to keep him away from children.
There you go…bury the embarrassing thread, just like I said.
…like a drum, you’re so predictable my little groupie bitch.
See you in a few.
Me : Knock Knock
Unsanctioned RETARD : Who’s there?
Me : The Chicken
Get it???
Why did the chicken cross the road?
To go to the retard’s house.
Best HaHaHa quote ever: “I am Pat Unger”
Wanna deny it, or shall I post the link?
I own you. I pop on here every once in a while and you just can’t get over how much I embarrassed you the last time. Which makes it easier and easier to beat you like a drum.
Shall I start deleting your comments again son?
Yep. Unsanctioned R(etard) is accustomed to going back and forth between different screen-names. Check out what he has been up to on Facebook: