Trib Poll: Kane Leads, Other Row Offices Muddled

Freed, left, and Kane

Kathleen Kane, the Democrat running for Attorney General, has a double digit lead, 48 percent to 37 percent, over GOP candidate Dave Freed.

Democratic state Rep. Eugene DePasquale (D-York) leads Republican state Rep. John Maher (R-Allegheny) in the race for Auditor general, 37 percent to 36.

Incumbent Treasurer and Democrat Rob McCord leads Diana Irey Vaughan, the Washington County Commissioner and Republican candidate, 39 percent to 37.

Gov. Tom Corbett enjoys positive job approval, according to the poll, 48 percent to 41.

The poll was commissioned by the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review and conducted by Susquehanna Polling & Research. The pollster surveyed 800 likely voters from Oct. 29-31 with a margin of error of plus or minus 3.46 percent.

Like any pollster this week, they had to wrangle with Hurricane Sandy – which made landfall right in the middle of their polling time frame.

However, their results – Kane with a solid lead, and other Dem row office hopefuls with a small lead and tons of undecideds, is in line with other polls on the races – including the scant handful on the Auditor and Treasurer races.

Corbett’s numbers are better than most polls recently, but that could be a result of his handling of the hurricane.

7 Responses

  1. so let me get this right.. The Koh brothers, or some guy from Las Vegas, china, or saudi Arabia, buys 9 million dollars worth of advertizing for your candidate, that is OK acording to republicans in this commonwealth, But if a hard wrking prossecuter gets a 4 million dollar gift from her husband, that is just not Kool?

  2. The tribune review aka Republican rag.have to give Republicans a little hope this numbers are not even close 25% undecided what a joke.

  3. McCord number seems too close, as McCord is on the air with positive and negative ads, and Vaughn has no budget/ads/presence.

  4. So, we are to believe a poll that suddenly shows a +7 approval for Corbett. What, exactly, has Corbett done in the last 30 days that suddenly boosts his approval rating?

  5. flynn, the lesson is to have your husband contribute millions of dollars to buy the office for you. The Clintons will follow from that.

  6. Besides Kane it will be a republican sweep if PA knows whats good for it. All of the politicians except Irey-Vaughn and Smith forgot that Western PA existed!

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