December 9th Playbook

The U.S. Supreme Court rejected the GOP challenge to Pennsylvania’s election results. Here is the Playbook. 

Trump Thanks Cutler for Post-Election Maneuvering: President Donald Trump tweeted Tuesday morning thanking Speaker Bryan Cutler and falsely accusing corruption in the outcome of the Pennsylvania election results.

Perry Finishes Second in House GOP Homeland Security Chair Race: According to The Hill, Rep. John Katko “edged out” Rep. Scott Perry (R-York) in the race to be the top Republican on the House Committee on Homeland Security.

As of Wednesday morning, we still are waiting for a call in a state Senate race and multiple congressional candidates have also yet to concede. 

Congressional Races 

All incumbents have secured another term in Congress, although a few challengers have yet to concede in their races. 

PA7: Rep. Susan Wild (D-Lehigh) has defeated GOP challenger Lisa Scheller. The AP called the race for Wild on Nov. 6. As of Wednesday morning, Wild leads by 14,144 votes (or by 3.8 points) with 100% of estimated votes reported. Scheller has not conceded in the race.

PA8: Rep. Matt Cartwright (D-Lackawanna) has defeated GOP challenger Jim Bognet. The AP called the race for Cartwright on Nov. 6. As of Wednesday morning, Cartwright leads by 12,204 votes (or by 3.6 points) with 100% of estimated votes reported. Bognet has not conceded in the race.

PA17: Rep. Conor Lamb (D-Allegheny) has defeated GOP challenger Sean Parnell. The AP called the race for Lamb on Nov. 7. As of Wednesday morning, Lamb leads by 2.2 points (9,969 votes) with 100% of estimated votes reported. Parnell has not conceded in the race.

State Senate and House

Republicans have flipped four state House seats, (HD-33), (HD-55), (HD-123), and (HD-143), most notably unseating House Minority Leader Frank Dermody (D-Allegheny). Democrats have flipped one seat in the Philly suburbs (HD-152). For the state Senate, Republicans have flipped one seat in western PA (SD-37), while Democrats have flipped one seat in the Philly suburbs (SD-9), and another race in western PA has not been called yet. 


State Senate 

SD-45: Sen. Jim Brewster (D-Allegheny) leads GOP challenger Nicole Ziccarelli by 89 votes, as of Wednesday morning, according to DOS

Harrisburg & DC   
Inquirer: U.S. Supreme Court rejects GOP congressman’s last-minute effort to upend Pennsylvania’s election results
Inquirer: Republican Sen. Pat Toomey calls Trump’s campaign to overturn Pennsylvania election ‘completely unacceptable’ 
AP: High court rejects GOP bid to halt Biden’s Pennsylvania win
AP: Nursing home industry: Pennsylvania illegally withheld funds 
AP: Trump looks past Supreme Court loss to new election lawsuit
AP: Farm Show cancels butter sculpture, citing COVID-19 concerns
Spotlight PA: Firm ran Pa. senator’s campaign and worked with super PAC to attack opponent, but denies coordination 
Spotlight PA: VIDEO: A live reader Q&A on Pa.’s coronavirus surge and coming vaccine
The Caucus: Management failures may have prompted Adjutant General’s sudden retirement 
Patriot News: New Pa. COVID-19 restrictions coming involving restaurants, schools: report
Patriot News: Pa. nursing homes sue Wolf administration for $153 million in federal funds they claim belongs to them 
Patriot News: Another Pa. lawmaker tests positive for COVID-19
Patriot News: New COVID-19 cases ease slightly in Pa., but remain higher than a week ago  
Patriot News: Where are Pennsylvania’s 436,614 coronavirus cases? Dec. 8 map, county-by-county breakdown
Pennsylvania Capital-Star: Without dissent, SCOTUS tosses Kelly challenge to Pa. election results, mail-in ballots 
Pennsylvania Capital-Star: COVID-19 pandemic contributes to increase in overdose deaths, state health officials say 
Pennsylvania Capital-Star: MAP: Pa.’s unemployment rate change varies by county | Wednesday Morning Coffee
WHYY Newsworks: Tracing Montco’s decades-long shift from GOP stronghold to boon for Biden
WHYY Newsworks: New Pa. data shows how the pandemic gave a big boost to cyber charter schools
Morning Call: Pennsylvania drug crisis gets worse during coronavirus pandemic; isolation ‘incredibly challenging’
PLSReporter: SCOTUS rejects GOP attempt to throw out Pa. election certification 
PLSReporter: Report of inequitable CARES distribution highlights bigger school finance problems, advocates say 
PLSReporter: Freshman Rep. Jessica Benham aims to take up special education funding after report details ‘inadequate’ state efforts 
PLSReporter: Texas AG asks SCOTUS to consider election suit against Pa., other swing states 
PLSReporter: Reese tests positive for COVID-19
Tribune Review: ‘We cannot turn our back on it’: Opioid crisis rages alongside covid pandemic in Pa.
Fox News: Supreme Court tosses GOP bid to throw out PA mail ballots without hearing it
Fox News: Trump touts Texas Supreme Court case as ‘the big one,’ says ‘we will be intervening’
Fox News: Principal’s Facebook post calling BLM ‘leftist lie’ costs him his job
National Journal: Trump Calls PA House Speaker, Asks Him to Overturn Election Results
Philly Voice: Trump leans on Pa. House Speaker Bryan Cutler to help overturn election results
The Hill: Supreme Court rejects GOP bid to nullify Biden win in Pennsylvania
The Hill: Toomey: ‘Completely unacceptable’ for Trump to pressure lawmakers to overturn election results
The Hill: 27 GOP reps ask for special counsel to investigate election irregularities
The Hill: Trump says he will intervene in Texas election lawsuit
York Daily Record: Witness in Pa. election fraud suit from York is a ghost hunter with a long criminal record
Politico: Supreme Court rejects bid to overturn Biden’s win in Pennsylvania
CNN: Supreme Court rejects Pennsylvania Republicans’ attempt to block Biden victory
Philadelphia Business Journal: Public Paychecks: Here are Pennsylvania’s 25 highest-paid state employees in 2020  

Billy Penn: Rent disputes and broken leases: How Philly businesses and landlords are handling the COVID crush
KYW Newsradio: Philly officials say COVID-19 vaccine could arrive in city as early as next week
KYW Newsradio: Advocates push for more COVID-19 testing for staff at Philly, Pa. prisons
Inquirer: Seth Shapiro is confirmed as next Philadelphia gas utility CEO 
Inquirer: Philly blames Thanksgiving gatherings for COVID-19 spike as city prepares for vaccine rollout; hospitalizations surge across Pa.; Mayor Kenney quarantining again 
Inquirer: Philly may have a coronavirus vaccine next week. But the city sees a post-Thanksgiving spike, with more cases in nursing homes.
WHYY Newsworks: Fears for safety and climate surround LNG export terminal planned on the Delaware
Philadelphia Tribune: Systemic racism still festering inside city’s courts, Black judges say during legislative hearing 
Philly Voice: Philly bike share Indego unveils plans for 2021 expansion 
Philly Voice: New HBO film, ’40 Years a Prisoner,’ tells story of Philly’s controversial MOVE raid
Philadelphia Business Journal: Covid-19 vaccine may come to Philadelphia as soon as next week, Farley says 
Philadelphia Business Journal: See which Philadelphia-area ZIP codes secured the most PPP money

Delco Daily Times: County budget gets positive comments from the public 
WHYY Newsworks: Tracing Montco’s decades-long shift from GOP stronghold to boon for Biden
Bucks County Courier Times: Protestors call for eviction moratorium
Bucks County Courier Times: Thanksgiving week deadliest for COVID-19 since May in Bucks
Inquirer: From COVID-19 data to in-person school, Bucks County’s health department goes its own way 
Inquirer: State AG recommends retraining for a Montgomery County police department after allegations of racism
Montgomery Media: Montgomery County records 499 new coronavirus cases, five more deaths
Bucks Local News: DEC. 7 BUCKS COUNTY COVID-19 UPDATE: 38 dead last week as cases, hospitalizations and deaths climb

Post-Gazette: U.S. Supreme Court denies Republican appeal to block Pa. election results
Post-Gazette: Pittsburgh council votes to protect workers sidelined by COVID-19 
Post-Gazette: In ‘Marshall Plan’ for region, Peduto hopes Biden can pull spending plan from dysfunctional Washington 
Post-Gazette: COVID-19 Update: State could impose new restrictions this week as cases continue to rise
Tribune Review: Some residents seek 50% cut to Pittsburgh police budget; city council members say that’s illegal 
Tribune Review: Western Pa. officials, businesses brace for possible covid restrictions 
Tribune Review: Pittsburgh council approves law requiring paid covid sick leave  
Tribune Review: Allegheny County reports 693 new covid cases, 6 deaths
KDKA: Pittsburgh City Council Unanimously Passes COVID-19 Paid Sick Leave Bill 
KDKA: COVID-19 In Pennsylvania: New State Restrictions Could Be Announced This Week, Allegheny Co. Executive Rich Fitzgerald Says     
KDKA: Wilkinsburg Borough Adds Cost Of Police Body Cameras And Dash Cameras To Budget 
KDKA: COVID-19 In Pittsburgh: Federal Grand Juries Canceled For Rest Of 2020 
KDKA: COVID-19 In Pittsburgh: Hospitals Prepare To Store Shipments Of Coronavirus Vaccine
KDKA: COVID-19 In Pittsburgh: Allegheny Co. Health Dept. Reports 693 New Cases, 6 More Deaths
City Paper: An ongoing tally of confirmed coronavirus cases and deaths in Allegheny County 
WESA: Allegheny County Council Revives Police Review Board Talks, Aims For January Vote 
WESA: Wolf Hesitates To Take More Aggressive Action Despite Accelerating Spread Of COVID-19 
WESA: For Restaurants, ‘The Employment Situation Is Catastrophic’
Pittsburgh Business Times: Pittsburgh City Council OKs modified Covid-19 leave bill 
Pittsburgh Business Times: Fitzgerald: State could impose new restrictions as early as Wednesday

Beaver County Times: Beaver County to get $900K in tax credits for local projects 
Beaver County Times: COVID cases continue to climb in southwestern Pennsylvania
Altoona Mirror: Hollidaysburg mayor on leave
Altoona Mirror: Safety director: County getting ready for vaccine
Altoona Mirror: Over half of Loretto inmates have virus 
Post-Gazette: Westmoreland officials quarantining after testing positive for COVID-19
KDKA: COVID-19 In Pennsylvania: Westmoreland County Chairman Sean Kertes Tests Positive For Coronavirus
KDKA: COVID-19 In Butler County: Officials Hope Testing Site Will Reveal Key Information About Spread Of Virus
KDKA: COVID-19 In Fayette County: County Courthouse Closed To The Public
Pittsburgh Business Times: Fayette County’s skyrocketing Covid cases push Uniontown Hospital to capacity
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: ‘Protect the most vulnerable’: Cambria surges past 6,000 COVID-19 cases, 4 local counties have triple-digit increases 
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: WATCH VIDEO | Family members: Loretto prison ‘like a war zone’ due to virus outbreak
Observer-Reporter: New COVID-19 deaths reported in Washington, Fayette counties

Citizens Voice: Wilkes-Barre mayor: Expect layoffs, cuts in services in 2021 
Citizens Voice: County Council cuts proposed employees raises from 2021 budget 
Citizens Voice: COVID-19 cases up sharply over last 2 months 
Citizens Voice: 271 new COVID cases, seven deaths reported in county
Times-Tribune: Portnoff outlines delinquent trash fee collection process for city council 
Times-Tribune: Region’s COVID-19 cases in last two months surpass infections in pandemic’s first seven months
The Times Leader: WB budget dispute leads Brown to prepare for layoffs, service cuts next year 
The Times Leader: Raises for Luzerne County non-union workers rejected by council 
The Times Leader: 271 new cases of COVID-19 confirmed in Luzerne County; 10,170 statewide

South Central 
Patriot News: Vice President Ben Allatt won’t seek another term on Harrisburg City Council
Patriot News: Harrisburg School Board member Carrie Fowler announces run for city council seat 
Patriot News: Questions about new civilian police unit dominate Harrisburg public budget hearing 
Patriot News: Dauphin County DA tests positive for COVID-19 
York Dispatch: York County has 4 new COVID-19 deaths, 469 new cases
Carlisle Sentinel: Staffing is biggest concern at Midstate hospitals as they deal with rise in COVID-19 cases 
Carlisle Sentinel: DOH: 183 new cases of COVID-19 and six additional deaths for Cumberland County in Tuesday’s report
LNP | LancasterOnline: 353 Lancaster County businesses expected to get part of nearly $10 million in grants 
LNP | LancasterOnline: Lancaster County amasses nearly 400 new positive COVID-19 cases in 24 hours [Tuesday’s COVID-19 update]

Lehigh Valley      
Morning Call: Allentown and Bethlehem Area schools should have gotten $4.5 million more in coronavirus relief money, but state shorted neediest school districts, report says
Morning Call: Pennsylvania drug crisis gets worse during coronavirus pandemic; isolation ‘incredibly challenging’
Express Times: Lehigh Valley kept COVID-19 testing ‘strike team’ near capacity, setting example for Pa.
Express Times: Pa. coronavirus update: 10K new cases as hospitalizations hit record-high of 5,561 people; Northampton County hits 11K cases | Pa. county case map (12/08/2020)
Reading Eagle: Rise in COVID cases and hospitalizations strains Berks hospitals
Reading Eagle: Mount Penn councilman questions authority’s plan to resume water shut-offs
Reading Eagle: Berks County adds 419 COVID cases; Pa. reports fifth-highest day of the pandemic
WFMZ: Local political experts weigh in on Supreme Court cases to block votes

North by Northwest
Erie Times-News: Supreme Court rules against Kelly in election case
Erie Times-News: Pa. justice: In suing, congressman set out to ‘play a dangerous game’ at voters’ expense
Erie Times-News: Erie could see first vaccine doses within week
Williamsport Sun-Gazette: City offering COVID-19 relief to small businesses in form of loans
Williamsport Sun-Gazette: Commissioners pay pension plan obligation for 2021
Williamsport Sun-Gazette: UPMC to get vaccine, prioritize frontline employees
Williamsport Sun-Gazette: Officials: UPMC’s intensive care units ‘are not overwhelmed’
Patriot News: Gene Stilp settles suit against second borough for $6,000
Centre Daily Times: State College police investigating ‘Second Amendment’ threat made during council meeting

Edward J. Sheehan, Jr: Reaffirming a centuries-long commitment to civility in Pa.
Murray Dickman: Pa. Republicans, we are better than this 
John L. Micek: Pa. Republicans are abetting Trump’s coup. Voters deserve better than this 
Solomon Jones: Philly’s failure to end the 10-year tax abatement is no victory to fight poverty 
Inquirer Editorial Board: Wrong place, wrong time for LNG terminal
Post-Gazette Editorial Board: At Marvel Comics, scrubs are the new capes 
York Dispatch Editorial Board: It’s time for us to start showing Christmas goodwill for less fortunate
Fletcher McClellan: Andy Warhol would be proud: Pa. gets more than its 15 minutes in the political spotlight 
Chris Kelly: Too sick to work, but scheduled anyway
Chris Freind: Remembering the Greatest Generation
Will Bunch Newsletter: A Clinton scandal comes with warning for Biden 
Helen Ubiñas: What do you know about the Philadelphians killed by guns this year? At least know their names.
Trudy Rubin: Saddam Hussein’s ‘Republic of Fear’ used death threats. Trump’s version defames the election and intimidates GOP. 
Natalie Hope McDonald: My dog is my BFF and an emotional support animal. Airlines should respect that.

2 Responses

  1. Moronic GOP continue to beat a dead horse. Moronic PA voters may keep electing them anyhow. How sad.

  2. Dems better wake up and smell the java. On the information feed in this post we see winning margins of Wild 3.8, Cartwright, 3.6 and Lamb 2.2. In some cases, like Cartwright the opponent was a Republican hanger-on who was horrible candidate who ran a gimmicky campaign. Yet Cartwright eeks out a victory. And while a win is always a win the narrow margin needs to be addressed because Bognet was so bad as a candidate. Wild and Lamb were stellar candidates but had margins of 3.6 and 2.2 for their victories. Clearly, “defund police” and “Socialism” were buzz words that resonated by the Republicans. Dems better heed this lesson or else it will be Speaker Kevin McCarthy next cycle.

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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