The House tries to reduce the size of the legislature, Santorum voices his support for Corbett and a bipartisan group of legislators proposes an extraction tax. Good morning politicos, here’s the Buzz.
House Passes Bills to Reduce Legislature: Bills that would shrink House from 203 to 153 and another that reduces the Senate from 50 to 38 both passed the House.
Santorum Rallies Conservatives for Corbett: Former Pa. Senator Rick Santorum sent an email to supporters today soliciting donations to Corbett’s reelection campaign.
Bipartisan Bill Proposes Extraction Tax in PA: State Reps proposed a bipartisan bill to institute a natural gas drilling extraction tax in the state.
McGinty Adds Three to Campaign Team: The Democratic gubernatorial campaign announced the addition of three veteran political operatives.
Paid Sick Days Bill Nears House Vote: Rep. Grove’s bill would make paid sick leave uniform and could be voted on this week.
Book Review: “Making Ideas Matter” by Dwight Evans: The powerful State Representative takes a look back at his 30 years in politics and the lessons to be drawn from them.
Legislative Election Update:
HD-199: Jill Bartoli, 68, a retired college professor living in Carlisle, will seek the Democratic nomination in next year’s primary election for this Cumberland County seat, currently held by Republican Stephen Bloom.
Capitolwire: Megan’s Law will remain in place despite recent state Supreme Court Ruling
StateImpactPA: Safety concerns arise over cross-state natural gas liquids pipeline
StateImpactPA: Pennsylvania is fastest-growing state for natural gas production
StateImpactPA: Sunoco will move out of Philadelphia to new headquarters in Pa. suburbs
StateImpactPA: USGS study: methane common in groundwater of New York’s Southern Tier
State House Sound Bites: Rinse, repeat: lawmakers propose shale severance tax
State House Sound Bites: State launches prescription take-back program
WITF: Mayor-elect Papenfuse pushes for safe city, audit of schools
AP: Judge in PA same-sex marriage suit nixes state appeal
AP: Reading man objects to checkpoint survey request
AP: Judge opts against testimony in Penn State case
Philadelphia Business Journal: PR expert Jeff Jubelirer joins Bellevue Communications
Inquirer: New census data: Poverty up in lower Northeast, down in S. Philly
CapitolInq: Pa, NJ Sens split along party lines on budget vote
WHYY Newsworks: Pa. Megan’s Law provisions intact despite state Supreme Court decision
WHYY Newsworks: Severance tax on natural gas drilling pushed in Pa.
PhillyNow: Meet potential Green Party gov candidate Paul Glover
Montgomery News: Acting Pennsylvania secretary of education visits Souderton Area School District
Montgomery News: North Penn School Board hears charter school proposal
Montgomery News: Transportation bill will fund projects in Montgomery County
Montgomery News: Toomey, Meehan hold press conference in Whitpain opposing federal regulations that could impact first responders
Daily Times: Meehan, Brady back federal budget deal now headead to the Senate
Levittown Now: Fitzpatrick: New Healthcare Law Threatens to Scold Volunteer Firefighters
Levittown Now: New $86.5 Million Courthouse Project Moving Along
Tribune Review: More than 1,500 apply for 32 spots in Peduto’s administration
Post-Gazette: Allegheny County Council wants say in park drilling deal
Post-Gazette: Peduto gives Obama team a wish list
Post-Gazette: Obituary: John Damon Andrews / W. Pennsylvania political fixture made his mark behind the scenes
WPXI: Mayor-elect Peduto makes peculiar request to President Obama
Beaver County Times: Corbett announces prescription drug take-back program
Beaver County Times: One-time special tax for Rochester here to stay
Beaver County Times: State audit finds issues with Darlington Twp. pension aid
Beaver County Times: Rothfus to host meet-and-greets this week
Altoona Mirror: Council says no to Friday racing
Altoona Mirror: Gov. appoints officer to commissioner spot
The Times Leader: Lake-Lehman board rescinds position after arbitration ruling
Times-Tribune: Scranton council fails to override mayor’s budget veto
Times-Tribune: Scranton mayor-elect says he misspoke
Times-Tribune: PA launches drug drop-off program
Wayne Independent: Pike County turns 200 in 2014
South Central
Harrisburg Patriot News: Harrisburg officials advance five projects
Harrisburg Patriot News: Pa. House takes historic step toward shrinking size of General Assembly
Harrisburg Patriot News: GOP rift could be Klingon Civil War Xmas play
Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Emmaus approves budget with 17-percent tax hike
Morning Call: Macungie adopts new zoning plan
Morning Call: Macungie Council OKs budget with 20 percent tax hike
Express-Times: Nazareth Area School District officials investigate finding of loaded gun clip
Express-Times: Sands Casino tops Pennsylvania’s table games revenue in November, report says
Express-Times: Phillipsburg reluctantly gives Norton Oil Co. an $11,000 tax refund
North by Northwest
Sun-Gazette: Fundraising now underway for MLK service day next month
Sun-Gazette: Muncy school to get AP psychology course
Daily Times: County OKs 2014 operating budget with no tax increase
Daily Times: Ex-Penn State lawyer kept off witness stand during hearing
Daily Times: State College school board goes for referendum maximum of $85 million
Daily Times: Needed: Leadership on climate change
Courier Times: Free ride must end
Tribune-Review: The NSA ruling: Some fresh air
Tribune-Review: ObamaCare attacks volunteer fire departments
Post-Gazette: Drill, carefully, drill: The county must meet the natural gas challenge
Keystone Politics: What is Wrong With Democratic Ticket-Splitters?
Commonwealth Foundation: More Than Their Fair Share
Above Average Jane: State Rep. Roebuck gets LOOP-y
Above Average Jane: Jared Solomon Campaign Announcement Video
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Will Colonial Regional Police Remain Regional?
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Controversial Deputy Leaves NorCo Employment
3 Responses
Mr. Micek: Here’s what you can do about unquiet Racism in PA: Denounce the CorbettCare plan which is sham political gesture that will allow the TOM CORBETT TEAM AND THE PAGOP to run their typical racist based campaigns in 2014. THE PAGOP’S RACISM IS LOUD AND PROUD.
Mr. Micek: Here’s what you can do about unquiet Racism in PA: Denounce the CorbettCare plan which is sham political gesture that will allow the TOM CORBETT TEAM AND THE PAGOP to run their typical racist based campaigns in 2014. THE PAGOP’S RACISM IS LOUD AND PROUD.
So World Class UPMC has no employees but owns a $50 Million jet plane. So is UPMC really World Class? One of its most spot-lighted programs is Cancer Care. In the US News 2013 rankings, UPMC’s Cancer program was ranked 25th. In fact that very Un-World Class City Cleveland had 2 programs that ranked dramatically higher than UPMC,: Cleveland Clinic at #9 and at #16 Seidman Cancer Center at Case. So wouldn’t Mr. Romoff and COS Leslie-Gromis-Baker’s hubby Scotty Baker be better served to be chasing down Cancer Doctors rather then Jet-setting, trying to hide their salaries from the Public or placing their shiny jackboots on Rep. Jimmy Chrstiana’s pretty throat. Rep. Christiana, you are not WORLD Class and Jeff Romoff and the Bakers have declared your public service career to be over. Yet if you are ever afflicted with Cancer and want World Class care, you’d be better to seek it in Cleveland, Philadelphia or even Winston Salem rather than at UPMC, according to the US NEWS and World Report Hospital Rankings.