Today, at the state party’s official fall meeting in Gettysburg, incumbent Chairman Jim Burn stepped down and Marcel Groen was elected as his replacement.
The proceedings were in many ways a fait accompli.
Last year, after his primary victory, Tom Wolf sought to replace Burn with Katie McGinty. Burn refused to step aside and after a bitter fight, Wolf created his own party-in-exile.
In July, Burn announced via YouTube video that he would be stepping down this weekend.
The immediate favorite for the position was Montgomery County Party Chair Marcel Groen. In fact, before Burn even decided to step down, Chris Brennan of the Inquirer was reporting that Gov. Wolf was pitching Groen to Rep. Bob Brady and other party leaders.
The in August, Groen picked up the endorsement of the Pennsylvania Young Democrats.
According to Chris Potter of the Post-Gazette, Groen was elected by voice vote although there were some “no”s scattered among the crowd.
“I want to thank all of you – especially the people who said ‘no,’” Groen said in his acceptance address. “Because I want you to get to the point where you come to me and say, ‘I was wrong.’”
That attitude, though, may very well have been responsible for those no votes in the first place.
As he departed Burn thanked his supporters, most of whom are from rural areas often ignored by the party, and even hinted that he may become a candidate for office in the future.
Adams County Chair Roger Lund ran against Groen and in defense of Burn but bowed out before the vote.
Now, the party prepares for the 2016 presidential election when Philadelphia will host the Democratic National Convention.
One Response
“That attitude, though, may very well have been responsible for those no votes in the first place.”
No kidding.