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PA-Gov: FiveThirtyEight Puts Wolf’s Odds of Victory at 99%

Tom-WolfFiveThirtyEight has some good news for Democratic gubernatorial nominee Tom Wolf.

The election forecasting website created by Nate Silver turned its focus to the nation’s Governors races this weekend.

By weighing and calculating all the PA-Gov polls according to their method, FiveThirtyEight found Wolf with a 11.6 point advantage, which they translate to a 99% chance for victory.

Among Democratically favored races, Wolf’s 11.6 point advantage ranks fifth behind the deep blue states of New York, California, Hawaii, and Vermont.

Percentage-wise, his 99% odds for victory is third among Democrats, trailing only New York and California.

The latest rounds of polls have found Wolf with leads of 13, 13, 10, 5.7 and 12 points over incumbent Governor Tom Corbett.

5 Responses

  1. Love that Nate Silver. Impressive statistically–to say the least. And so fair and reasonable the way he words it all.

    Many agree this will be a landslide electon for Tom Wolf.
    The candidate comes across as caring and capable.
    His concise remarks in the debate were spot on.
    Certainly state workers will rally to defeat One Term Tom.
    It has just been too much since day one. All of us followed it closely, and saw the campaign funds Corbett gathered from the fracking entities. And, sure enough, he did the bidding of the oil and gas industries.
    I personally retired early from state service when he was elected in 2011. Didn’t want to work for him.
    Tea Party Extremist pandering to oil and gas industries with typical Republican squashing access to voting and demeaning women and the right of women to their personal and private reproductive freedom—and ironically a porn scandal emerges from his attorney general office.

    Republicans try to limit voting because they know no one falls for their failed policies.
    So many GOP governors from Kansas to New Jersey to Wisconsin to Georgia to PA to Alaska and other GOP states have implemented extreme tax cuts to the wealthy resulting in diminished revenue back to the state for funding—-and the slashing of educational and social services— and the resulting looming budget deficits.

    Rolling Stone Magazine has been covering this as pulitzer prize deserving journalism.

  2. I wonder if they used that bogus Magellan poll? If so, add a few points by dropping that phony outlier poll.

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