PPP Poll: Clinton 48% Trump 43%; McGinty 46% Toomey 40%

Clinton-McGintyAnother Sept. 1st poll has Clinton and McGinty in the lead.

Franklin & Marshall found both Democrats performing well in their latest poll.

In addition, Public Policy Polling conducted a joint survey of several states with NELP Action focused on the minimum wage. As part of that project, PPP asked Pennsylvanians about the presidential and Senate contests.

They found Hillary Clinton ahead of Donald Trump 48% to 43% while Katie McGinty leads Pat Toomey 46% to 40%.

Last month’s PPP polls had Clinton up by four and Toomey ahead by one.

Each race had a significant gender gap. Clinton and McGinty both won women (51/40 and 52/35 respectively) while Trump and Toomey were ahead with men (47/44 and 47/40).

Toomey runs behind his party’s presidential nominee when it comes to white voters (47/40 to 52/40) but is doing much better with Hispanics (33/47 to 13/73) and even blacks (5/75 and 3/83).

The only subset to support both Clinton (44/38) and Toomey (44/36) were independents.

Public Policy Polling surveyed 1,194 likely Pennsylvania voters on August 26th and 27th. The margin of error is +/- 2.5%.

11 Responses

  1. Don’t question how, Tim. She will do it. She will use the best people. And she will do it. It’s gonna be great. She mighty even get it done in her 1st hour in Office. It’s gonna be great. Buhhhhlieve me.

  2. McGinty promises to creat “thousands” of manufacturing jobs in Pennsyvania!!!!! My question is how? Since only the private sector creates these jobs how will she do this> What “magic power” does she hold to create thousands of jobs out of thin air. The fact is, there are 11 more people in government jobs than work in manufacturing jobs in the us [22mill to 9 mill] to how a politician can claim she will creat thousands of manufacturing jobs out of thin air is pure crap. What the new plant going to be called, “Obama broom and mop” at the new Federal mandated minmum wage of $15 an hour?

  3. Women are going to make sure Toomey gets booted. Gotta get all those anti-womens-rights turds out of Washington.

  4. Last time I checked it wasn’t November and people hadn’t voted yet. Toomey is a master candidate running very well in a tough time so counting him out is a fools errand. Toomey will win in a squeaker.

  5. Yes marshak. I heard McGinty say she was going to make America even greater (especially PA).

    One-Term-Toomey heading back to Wall St soon.

  6. Has Katie McGinty said one word about what she wants to do if she wins? So far her entire campaign has consisted of stretching the truth about her family story and trying to tie Toomey to Trump (even though Toomey hasn’t endorsed him) and Wall Street.

  • Did The Presidential Debate Change Your Vote?

    • No. Still Voting For Trump (35%)
    • Yes. Now Voting For Trump (32%)
    • No. Still Voting For Harris (25%)
    • Yes. Now Voting For Harris (6%)
    • No. Still Have Not Made My Decision (1%)

    Total Voters: 267

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