Sen. Pat Toomey has made a conscious effort to be as different as possible from the last GOP Senator to represent Pennsylvania, Rick Santorum.
Whereas Santorum proudly wore the label of social warrior, Toomey wants to convince Pennsylvanians that he is a non-partisan problem solver.
Yesterday’s event was built around that theme as several speakers, including FOP President John McNesby and Wawa CEO Chris Gheysens, provided their own testimonials as to the Senator’s skill as a legislator.
The campaign even unveiled a new video to emphasize all these points, which they played right before Toomey spoke.
Altogether, about half of the event was devoted to speakers other than Pat Toomey.
He acknowledged this by noting that his staff often tells him “just because you can’t give a good speech, doesn’t mean you can’t give a short speech.”
The approximately fifteen minute address began with some of his accomplishments and even mentioned his Democratic colleague Bob Casey.
“And I will say I also work closely with Senator Casey whenever I can,” Toomey stated. “And one of the areas we work closely together regularly is filling vacancies on the federal bench. The fact is in the four and a half or so years since I have been in the Senate we have been able to recruit, vet, nominate, and confirm, fifteen men and women to the federal bench across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. And, in that period of time, only California and New York can match or exceed those numbers.”
Toomey found time to name-check Congressman Patrick Meehan (who was in attendance) twice, as well as Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick, Indiana Sen. Dan Coats and McNesby.
“I’ve consistently stood up and stood for the police who are being unfairly maligned and scapegoating,” he said of an issue that he has been particularly focused on lately. “You know the fact is that police are not causing the crime wave that’s hitting America, they are protecting us from it.”
Still, his speech wasn’t without its attacks on President Obama.
He criticized the Administration’s efforts towards renewable energy and devoted the most time to the Iranian nuclear deal, which he has taken a leading role in opposing.
“In my view this is a shockingly terrible and dangerous deal. It rewards a rogue regime with many billions of dollars virtually upfront,” Sen. Toomey asserted. “It legitimizes a nuclear program that I fear will lead to the production of nuclear weapons and it undermines the security of our allies and the United States. You know, the President may have succeeded for the moment in circumventing Congress and the American people on this terrible deal but I’m to tell you that this is not over. I am not going to give up the fight against this deal.”
Toomey finished by quoting historian David McCullough and his belief that “there is no such thing as history”. Therefore, nothing is preordained and the people the Senator believes are predicting America’s decline are wrong.
Nowhere in his speech did Toomey mention any of his Democratic opponents (Joe Sestak, Katie McGinty and the wildcard newcomer John Fetterman) and it’s unlikely that he will until after the April 22nd primary.
After he finished, the Senator hung around the ballroom and mingled with his crowd of supporters. Congressman Meehan and AG candidate Todd Stephens (fresh off some big endorsements) were also there meeting with some of the Senator’s strongest reporters.
Sen. Toomey even posed for the cameras in the hallway outside with a baby in hand, clearly enjoying the calm before next year’s storm.
10 Responses
Just look at all the brainwashed people in the audience who have no business voting for him! 🙂
The government spends too much money. Way too much. Being Bipartisan should not be the goal. Halting Obamas deficit spending is the goal.
Toomey’s idea of being non-partisan is the following.
When legislation discussion is brought up that helps regular Americans he always talks affirmatively about the bill. THEN HE ALWAYS FINDS A 2% of the bill he can’t support and votes no. Legislation to help veterans is a prime example. 12 bills to help veterans have came before the Senate on Toomey’s watch. He has given all of them lip service but when the actual vote occurs he has voted 100% of the time against them. Compare that to votes for Special Interests like Gas & Oiil. All favorite sons of the Heritage Fund & Club for Growth Organizations. Toomey 100 % voting affirmatively in those votes. Toomey does not know the meaning of non partisan.. We deserve a Senator who cares about average Americans.
The race is over. Toomey has an easy path to a second term.
The same people who say that Toomey is crazy right winger think that Bernie Sanders is sensible and realistic.
Toomey only pretends to be a moderate, when there’s a vote that is already decided and his position isn’t going to be needed to advance the Repub agenda. When he’s needed, you know he will be a the ready whenever the Koch Brothers — er, Republican Party calls.
Toomey is a “moderate” only in comparison to lunatic Santorum. Changing his tone slightly does not change his hard right stance on many issues.
His ass kissing the police must be an effort to get FOP endorsement. In too many cases the police ARE the crime wave, not the solution. But the real cause of the crime wave are Republican policies to repress and punish the poor.
The fact that Pat Toomey is now a “moderate” means the political goal posts have shifted dramatically the past 10 years. Remember when the State GOP thought Toomey was too far right to win a General? Yeah, that’s a problem. We have an apathy problem in the Democratic Party I’ll admit.
“Bi-Partisan Republican”= Not completely off the reservation. Still anti-worker and pro Wall Street as ever but throws a bone to gun control after Sandy Hook. Good enough for me!
Toomey should start circulating his resume. Democrat tidal wave will sweep the state next year. He has no core constituency that trusts him and will help him fend off the Dem registration advantage.