Syria, Planned Parenthood and those ever present emails. See who made this week’s list!
PA GOP Congressmen. This has always been a nation of immigrants and a nation that demonized immigrants. The latter fact was unfortunate and unnecessary but the former truth always overshadowed those negative impulses. For more than a century, America’s strength was built on and sustained by massive emigration until discriminatory laws were enacted in the 1920’s. In 1965, however, the country began to welcome the world in again. This week, though, politicians around the country, including the GOP congressional delegation in this state, slapped away the desperate outstretched hand of those suffering in Syria. In the wake of the tragedy in Paris, France remains determined for justice yet still open to those in need. Yet in America, one party has been overcome by the anti-immigration rhetoric of a charlatan, and has allowed that fervor to pressure them into demonizing those it should be our duty to protect. The Republican Party must break this spell, stop portraying the United States as a castle under siege, and remember we must always remain that “shining city upon a hill”.
John Rafferty. The State Senator and GOP candidate for Attorney General picked up a major conservative endorsement this week. The President of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation announced this week that she is formally backing Sen. Rafferty. Not only that, she took a major shot at State Rep. Todd Stephens, accusing him of being an avid Planned Parenthood supporter. That could be a major deterrent in a Republican primary. Finally, the entrance of David Fawcett has created an even more crowded Democratic field. While it’s still early, this was a week where Rafferty stood out from his competition, which is (almost) always a positive.
Michael Eakin. Last week was terrible for Justice Eakin. Somehow, this week might have been even worse. On Monday, State Sen. Anthony Williams called for the Justice to resign. That same day, it was revealed that a member of the Judicial Conduct Board that cleared Eakin last year was a part of the infamously lewd email chain. Then, on Wednesday, Senate candidate Katie McGinty declared that Eakin should resign. It’s also likely that the Justice wasn’t happy that Kathleen Kane won her court battle with the Inquirer (at least for now) concerning the release of all the emails. Now, instead of the spotlight shining on all those involved, it appears the glare will remain intensely focused on Michael Eakin.
PA Judges. This might seem strange given all we just said about Justice Eakin, but he is just one judge. Next year, voters could decide to lengthen the careers of untold judges throughout the commonwealth. On Monday, the State Senate voted to approve a proposal to increase the retirement age for judges in Pennsylvania from 70 to 75 years of age. The issue will be decided by a referendum during the April 26th primary election. If it passes, the men and women in black robes will get five more years of employment and additional opportunities to impact the state.
Hillary Clinton. As we just mentioned, Pennsylvania’s 2016 primary is still over five months away. Nevertheless, the Democratic front-runner has already secured a significant number of delegates in the Keystone State. According to a new AP survey, the former Secretary of State has won over the support of at least 14 of PA’s 21 superdelegates. Scranton native Hugh Rodham would be proud to see Pennsylvania lining up behind his daughter’s presidential campaign.
The tweet of the week goes to the parody account Angry Tom Wolf. Even if we do fear there is a frighteningly high chance that this name will catch on.
— Angry Tom Wolf (@AngryTomWolf) November 17, 2015
31 Responses
Terry M, Sounds like you need another cup of TEA!!
Pat Unger, usually when you can’t keep up with smarter posters, you switch over to your HaHaHa screen to post pure name-calling. You must be feeling lazy today.
Terry M: TEA-slurping moron who’s not smart enough. Period.
Pat Unger: hand-wringing soccer mom who’s not smart enough to appreciate cultural criticisms made in the Simpsons or South Park and has never heard someone say “mkay” as an alternative form of “okay.”
Yeah … No … I don’t watch cartoons anymore. Haven’t since I was 9YO.
LMAO @ you, Clown-Boy. One minute you are pretending you are one of the “grown-ups” … the next you are talking about a cartoon on T.V. Time for you to make YOUR SEAT and let the smart people (with feelings) solve some problems.
Isn’t this the same UP/DOWN list posted last week? And the same odious fake commenters who plague the credibility of the site with false info?
Pat, “mkay” was intentional. Are you familiar with Mr. Mackey on South Park, moron?
“mkay,” Terry. whatever you say.
LOL. I love it when geniuses like you can’t even spell-check.
Another migrant paradoxically also thought Europe already had too many migrants in. He said: “the weather is so cold, and the people are too much. Too much people coming to this area”.
It may seem at times that migrants are almost as opposed to mass migration to Europe as natives. interviewed yesterday as Sweden prepared to close their borders to alleviate the migrant crisis brewing within their nation, a group of newly arrived asylum seekers celebrated the policy u-turn. One young man said: “Close the border. We are far too many who have come. They can not take care of all of us”.
Seeing no irony in his statement, a Syrian migrant said: “I’m surprised how it is here in Sweden. If they can’t take care of us properly, they should not take so many”.
Pat Unger, thanks for confirming my suspicion that you are a hand-wringing soccer mom who believes in governing by FEELINGS. What don’t you just take a seat and let us grown-ups use our heads to solve problems, mkay?
Gun-loving loons with no brains and dark hearts are the biggest threats.
Terry M.: I appreciate your support for my position. When the fear has subsided, perhaps our political leaders can focus on meaningful policies to reduce the types of violent incidents you describe. They pose a greater and more imminent threat to the lives and security of Americans.
Blah, blah, blah … More Repervlican nonsense …
I love how the Repervlicand have no back-bone and are now trying to back away from their despicable position on the Syrian immigrants.
Go Trump !!!!
Rural Dem, please remember what you just posted when Democratic politicians use a shooting of innocent people by a lunatic to push gun control measures that they know very well would never have prevented the shooting in the first place.
Denying access to Syrian families who have been driven from their homes by civil war, and then went through an intensive two-year, multi-agency screening process is inhumane. FDR said “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” We also should fear politicians who use fear and human tragedy for political gain.
In 2005, the legislature passed a significant payraise for themselves, the executive branch and the judiciary. Following a long and loud pubic outcry, the legislature canceled the raise.
The judicial branch, using a legal opening, kept the raise.
Why give them an up arrow? The amendment to the Constitution allowing judges to remain on the bench until age 75 will go down in flames, especially when the public considers the facts.
Most conservatives (including me) are not saying we should refuse to accept refugees forever. It just seems wiser to take our time with it and get it right. You compassionate liberals sure didn’t have a problem making everybody wait longer for an appointment with Obamaccare.
Haven’t up and down arrows traditionally been given out based on how a particular politician, group, or issue has fared in the press/polls/legislative vote? The Syrian down arrow seems to be given on the congressmen not agreeing with PoliticsPA’s editorial views moreso than how their views may have hurt them politically.
I keep begging for money online but nobody will give me money. C’mon, guys! I need money! Give me money! My wife ran off to Africa or some place!
How many condemnations of Fina have to occur before he gets a DOWN arrow?
How does giving judges 5 more years to “impact” the State get an UP arrow?
We are the richest nation in the World. What are we really if we don’t help those poor people?
You guys are not very Christian.
jmarshak, I believe the limousine libs are throwing pocket change out onto the streets at the refugees. Can’t have them stinking up the limo by actually getting inside.
All you liberals who criticizing the GOP for wanting to put the brakes on with refugees- how many of them have you welcomed into your own homes?
I agree with Fake Ha3.
The whole CLOWN CAR ought to get a DOWN ARROW. After all – it’s not just Fina & Costanzo going down now. Castille … Eakin … Graci …
Have they institutionalized the Judge in MontCo who thinks black helicopters are following him? Kevin Steele better wake up and take note of what has happened to the CLOWN CAR. Even Seth Williams. The lesson — you touch this mess, you get burned.
Yeah, where’s FINA, the Clown Car, Repervlicans, and Corbett Pervs? I spent the whole night in the fetal position under my kitchen table waiting for four down arrows for each one of my mortal enemies. I WILL NOT TAKE MY MEDS!!
No DOWN ARROW for Seth William, Frank Fina or Marc Costanzo?
“Prosecutors Frank Fina, Marc Costanzo and Patrick Blessington misused the government’s servers in the Attorney General of Pennsylvania’s Office to exchange, view and disseminate emails with content devaluing and demeaning and hateful towards women, members of the LGBT community and people of color,” it states. “It has been proven that these men abused their position of public trust and power when they took part in and condoned this behavior.”
According to the petition on sponsored by the National Organization of Women: “Emails depicted women in compromising sexual situations, African-American babies in caricatures depicting violence and the ridiculing of gay men. This content is heinous in that it perpetuates stereotypes and threatens the progress that we have made.”
And legal experts will tell you that the bigger problem with these guys is that they were having inappropriate communications with Judges they had cases in front of. This is a hot mess for Seth Williams. Has he answered the questions about the “sensitivity training” yet? If not – why not?
Amen, David.
Thank you for your admonishing of PA republicans for their vile political grandstanding on Syrian refugees. It has been those same individuals who have spread xenophobia and racial bigotry against people who need our help.
It is also hypocritical that the Republican party keeps stating it has Christian values and then turns its back on destitute people in need!
Your down arrow for GOP Representatives is totally without merit. The majority of Americans–including Pennsylvanians–stand with Republicans in opposing the Administration’s green light for terrorist infiltrators to come to America. Down arrow for PoliticsPA for replacing political judgment with ideological fluff in awarding this “arrow”