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Reader Poll: Which Ads Are Most Compelling This Cycle?

Thank you, technology.

Without you, we may get a moment’s peace from the barrage of advertisements on television, on Youtube and even on Pandora while we’re at the gym. But you’re here to stay, and so are the commercials.

Whether they’re negative, positive or get-to-know-you, ads are everywhere – and we’ve seen quite a few of them already this cycle.

In case you don’t remember, here a few examples. All but one of them are from this month:

Obama campaign, and pro-Obama PACS
New Obama Ad Touts Wind Energy Policy
Team Obama Hits Back on Welfare
AFL-CIO Ad: Is Nothing Safe From Romney’s Greed?
Pro-Obama Ad Brings Back Bain Attacks

Romney campaign, and pro-Romney PACS
Romney Ad Hits Back on Priorities Accusations
Romney Ad: Obama’s War on Religion
Americans For Prosperity: One-Term Obama
Restore Our Future: Obama Policies Have Failed

Bob Casey Reelection
Casey Ad Knocks Smith on Trade

Tom Smith for Senate
Smith Going on TV With “Big Dreams”
Smith Ad: Casey Created Jobs…In China

State Races
Vulakovich Goes on TV in SD-40
Janet Anderson Ad Airing in Erie (SD-39)

National races garner more attention generally, have more money to spend and are published in more and larger media markets, but tell us readers:

Which Ads Are Most Compelling This Cycle?

  • Obama campaign or pro-Obama PACS (40%)
  • Tom Smith campaign (26%)
  • Romney campaign or pro-Romney PACS (26%)
  • Bob Casey campaign (4%)
  • State races (4%)

Total Voters: 536

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8 Responses

  1. Susan, your “fact finding” has clearly misled you. President Obama has sent troops to 10 different countries in the past 3 years (Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Uganda, South Sudan, Congo and Central Africa). Most without congressional approval. In fact, President Obama has sent more troops overseas than President Bush.
    I completely agree we need to bring our troops home and get our own country back on track first, but President Obama is clearly not the guy to do that.

  2. I Just spent two long days at the Dayton fair. Tom Smith lives nearby. I spoke with more people than I can count asking about Tom Smith, what is he like. Not a one had a detrimental remark about him. I spoke with family, neighbors, farmers, employees, people who distributed to his companies, local politicians, friends, and people who might reasonably dislike him. They all said Tom is a good man, we like him. If they knew him or had dealings with him, they commended him.

  3. Tom Smith’s Big Dreams ad is my favorite. Who wouldn’t want a farmer and a coal miner for their Senator. He knows how to get his hands dirty and his soul cleansed. Tom Smith is the real deal! A true citizen candidate.
    Let’s send Mr. Smith to Washington!

  4. Tom Smith has more integrity and his ads show his sincerity. His background is completely in his favor. Casey rides on the liberal mantra and his father’s coat tails. Which of course is detetrimental to the people of Pa.

  5. Wow, Susan , those are compelling and honest reasons to want to choose the right candidate. Are you sure that Obama is the answer to that issue? What do you think of his action in Syria? It seems like he is sending our military there, helping outsiders overthrow a government, further destabilizing another part of the Middle East. Don’t you think that his reluctance to recognize Israel is emboldening certain elements who would like it eliminated?

  6. I am not influenced by ads ..some might be entertaining but I actually do my own homework…and fact find..and fact check…and right now…as a military mom and grandmother one who is tired of sending thousands of our kids to invade on the ground the foreign policy direction of Obama makes absolute good sense and is my reason for supporting him.

  • Will RFK Jr. Supporters Back Trump?

    • No. Won't Make a Difference (66%)
    • Yes. Move Helps Republicans (34%)

    Total Voters: 50

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