10/24 Morning Buzz

Lackawanna County Courthouse

It’s a beautiful day on the campaign trail, politicos. We’re on the home stretch: the TV ads are up, the punches are being thrown, the U.S. Senate race heats up, and much, much more. Good morning politicos, here’s the Buzz.


Congressional Vulnerability Rankings, October Edition: Few states have had as many competitive congressional races over the past decade as Pennsylvania. But this year is turning out to be a bust for competitive races.

Newspaper Endorsements Open Thread: It’s that time of year. Newspapers around Pa. are backing candidates. Here’s PoliticsPA’s running list of endorsements in statewide and congressional races.

Politically Uncorrected: All Over Again: In this column, Madonna and Young ponder various presidential election scenarios.


Gravis Poll: Obama 48, Romney 45: The presidential contest in Pa. is a 3 point race according to a poll from Gravis Marketing. Barack Obama leads Mitt Romney 48 percent to 45.

Obama Ad: “You Do Not Need an ID to Vote in Pennsylvania”: President Obama’s campaign doesn’t want to risk that confusion about the suspended voter ID law will impact turnout in Philadelphia. It recently began running a radio ad in the Democratic stronghold that makes it clear that photo ID is not required to vote.

Romney TV Buy in PA? Not Philly, But Maybe Elsewhere: Might the Romney campaign go on the air in Pa.? It’s a possibility – outside the expensive Philadelphia market.

U.S. Senate

Dem PAC Comes to Casey’s Aid With $500K+: A super PAC with the aim of preserving the Democratic majority in the U.S. Senate will spend half a million dollars to protect Sen. Bob Casey, a prominent media buyer says.

Smith Brings to “War on Coal” to TV (Watch Video): Tom Smith’s new television ad puts the spotlight on an out-of-work miner who accuses Sen. Bob Casey of supporting President Obama’s “war on coal”.

Attorney General

Dem Group Uses Sandusky Against Dave Freed (Watch Video): A super PAC supported by the Democratic Attorneys General Association is on TV in Pa. slamming Dave Freed for opposing a review of the Jerry Sandusky case. Both Freed and his Democratic opponent Kathleen Kane are criticizing the ad.

Kane on TV: Prosecutor, Not Politician Redux (Watch Video): Kathleen Kane, the Democrat running for Attorney General, is on TV. Her first ad of the general election is a greatest hits collection from her effective commercials in the Democratic primary.

AG Debate Highlights: Miss the Attorney General debate Monday? Here are some highlights. Spoiler alert: Jerry Sandusky.


Badey Attack Ad: Meehan Wears a Moderate Mask (Watch Video): George Badey’s first ad of the 2012 cycle seeks to dispel the notion that Rep. Pat Meehan is a moderate. It shows notable GOP figures Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan holding masks that look like the Republican Congressman.

Candidates on the Air in Low Key PA-16 Race (Watch Video): Congressman Joe Pitts (R-Chester) and Democratic hopeful Aryanna Strader are on the air in a relatively quiet PA-16 race: Pitts is on TV, Strader is on the radio.

NRCC Ad Rips Critz on Healthcare (Again) (Watch Video): The National Republican Congressional Committee has released a new ad today, sticking with its theme of the 2012 election and bashing Congressman Mark Critz for flip flopping on healthcare.

Legislative Election Updates

CeaseFirePA, the anti-NRA of Pa., issued its endorsements for 2012. Dem Sean Wiley (SD-49) and former Rep. Dave Levdansky (HD-39) stand out as the endorsees in the most competitive districts. Here’s the full list.

The Pa. Association of Staff Nurses and Allied Professionals also made their 2012 endorsements (bipartisan). Check out the list here.

SD-15: The Pa. chapter of the National Organization for Women PAC backed Dem Rob Teplitz. In announcing the endorsement, Julia Ramsey, PAC chair, said, “We greatly appreciate your support and commitment to women’s issues.”

HD-83: Rep. Rick Mirabito (D-Lycoming) takes exception to the accusation – made by GOP challenger Harry Rogers – that he’s a tax-and-spend liberal.

HD-105: The Patriot-News endorsed Rep. Ron Marsico (R-Dauphin). “Central Pennsylvanians have two good candidates running to represent the 105th District in the House.” … “In the end though, because of his leadership on the Judiciary Committee and grasp of the issues important to his constituents, we endorse Marsico.

HD-116: Another week, another photo problem for Rep. Tarah Toohil (R-Luzerne). This time, it’s a somewhat cozy picture of her riding a camel with fellow Rep. Nick Miccarelli (R-Delaware). The photo appeared in a television ad for Toohil’s opponent, Ransom Young which raised questions about the trip she took to Israel that was partially paid for with campaign funds. Young pulled the ad down on realizing the nature of this new photo, saying he wasn’t trying to campaign on personal issues.

HD-131: Miss the debate between Rep. Justin Simmons (R-Lehigh) and Dem challenger Kevin Deely? We got you covered. It’s 30 minutes of entertainment.

HD-137, 138: From the Morning Call: The Northampton/Monroe Farm Bureau sponsored the debate at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Plainfield Township, and moderator Bob Hoyer targeted several agriculture-related questions at state House Reps. Marcia Hahn of the 138th District and Joe Emrick of the 137th District, both Republicans, and their respective Democratic challengers, Leslie Altieri and Joe Capozzolo.

HD-166: The Delco Times has the details on the debate between Rep. Greg Vitali (D-Delaware) and GOP challenger Bill Toal.

HD-168: Rep. Tom Killion (R-Delaware) boasted endorsements from several business and labor groups: the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry, the National Federation of Independent Businesses, local Chambers of Commerce, the Delaware County AFL-CIO, the Delaware County Building and Construction Trades Council, and the International Union of Elevator Constructors (IUEC) Local 5. “I have a unique background, coming from a union family and as a longtime small business owner,” said Killion. “Because of my background, I have always taken a bipartisan approach to economic development issues.”

Washington Post: In Pa., Sen. Bob Casey faces unexpected GOP challenge

Capitol Ideas: Democratic group attacks Freed on Sandusky.
Capitol Ideas: Casey: I was ready for close race with Tom Smith.
Capitol Ideas: Corbett’s approvals dip in new MCall/Muhlenberg poll.
Capitol Ideas: New Kane TV spot touts her independence.
State House Sound Bites: Casey hits campaign trail, touting record & ability to reach across the aisle
State House Sound Bites: Toomey joins GOP line of questioning on Administration’s handling of Libya attack
State House Sound Bites: Candidates for state’s top prosecutor debate
PA Independent: False ads muddy waters in attorney general race
PA Independent: Casey wants tougher rules for outsourcing firms
PA Independent: Foreign policy debate leaves some viewers looking for more
StateImpactPA: Latest Pennsylvania Senate Ad Highlights So-Called “War On Coal”
Capitolwire: Kane, Freed announce TV ad blitz two weeks ahead of Election Day.
Capitolwire: OFF THE FLOOR: Kane follows debate win with rare denunciation of ad by campaign allies.
Capitolwire: Kane, Freed debate honesty, integrity.
Capitolwire: Kane and Freed dispute whether AGs should try cases, gun control proposals.
Capitolwire: AG candidates joust over Sandusky investigation during debate.
Capitolwire: ‘A whole lot of yachts and three tankers.’
Capitolwire: OFF THE FLOOR: Why is Todd Eachus smiling and Sam Smith scowling?

Inquirer: Judge hit with disciplinary charges
Inquirer: In attorney general race, Kane denounces ad attacking Freed
Inquirer: Round 3: War of Words on U.S. Global Tactics
Philly.com: Romney launches ad on discredited Obama ‘Apology Tour’
Philly.com: Choice Tweets From the Debate
Daily News: Debate about international affairs always found its way home
Philly.com: The Joke in ‘Boc’
Philly.com: Debate Outcome: Early Warning Signs
Philly.com: Final debate offers a world tour
PhillyClout: Tuesday’s DN: The third and final presidential debate
WHYY Newsworks: Is your doc good for a $25,000 political contribution?
WHYY Newsworks: U.S. Senate race in Pa. now a nail-biter fueled by dueling ads
WHYY Newsworks: Sparks fly in Pa. attorney general debate
WHYY Newsworks: Public Source releases top 10 individual political donors in Pa.

PhillyBurbs: U.S. Senate candidates fight for Burlington County votes
Delco Daily Times: House bill could allow decertified officers a chance to reclaim jobs
Delco Daily Times: Widener students anxious to hear opinions during Obama-Romney debate
Delco Daily Times: The great Debate: Instant assessments from Obama-Romney debate
Delco Daily Times: 166th Legislative District candidates Vitali, Toal talk about issues
Delco Daily Times: Sparks fly over Sandusky at Pa. attorney general candidates’ debate
Delco Daily Times: Vitali faces a familiar foe in the 166th District
Delco Daily Times: Debate Analysis: Calm Romney pins hopes on momentum while Obama goes on offensive (With Video)
Delco Daily Times: Presidential Debate: Seven ways Romney, Obama called each other liars without saying it
Pottstown Mercury: Romney’s Rope-a-Dope Foreign Policy
Pottstown Mercury: Gerlach, Trivedi meet again in 6th Dist. match
Pottstown Mercury: N2K Presidential: With Debates Done, Race Is Still Tight
Pottstown Mercury: Will Third Debate Change the Electoral Math?
Pottstown Mercury: Foreign-Policy Debate Was All About Ohio — And So Is the Campaign
Pottstown Mercury: Biden: Only Consistency in Romney’s Policy Talk Is Inconsistency

Tribune Review: Obama and Romney in last debate of the election
Tribune Review: Sandusky topic of AG debate sparring
Post-Gazette: Social Media grabs “horses and bayonets” line
Early Returns: Focus shifts from foreign to domestic policy in debate
KDKA: Romney slams Tesla and Fisker again in last night’s debate

Altoona Mirror: Romney and Obama challenge each other in last debate

Times-Tribune: Auditor general candidate highlights auditing background
Times-Tribune: Casey makes the case for re-election
Times-Tribune: Toomey sees Senate race as toss-up
Times-Tribune: Kane: PA must be more business-friendly
Citizens Voice: Casey-Smith race a tie, Toomey says

South Central
York Daily Record: U.S. Sen. Bob Casey Jr. says he’s not surprised race has tightened
The Patriot News: Elections 2012: Find your ballot, polling place, voting information
The Patriot News: Campaigning in Hershey, Sen. Bob Casey touts record, expresses no worry about close race
The Patriot News: Election 2012: Patriot-News endorses candidates

Lehigh Valley
Pennsylvania Ave.: Outside group to spend for Casey in final weeks
The Morning Call: War veterans from Pa. offer debate critique
The Morning Call: State House candidates debate natural gas tax, budget issues, agriculture
Reading Eagle: Sharp exchanges mark foreign policy debate

North by Northwest
Williamsport Sun Gazette: Mirabito defends voting record; takes exception to tax-and-spend liberal label

Tribune Review: Romney was the clear victor of last night’s debate
Post-Gazette: Our endorsement of Critz for congress
Post-Gazette: George McGovern’s claim to greatness lives on
KDKA: Don’t let Obama convince you American success is bad
KDKA: Obama makes the case: one term limit for president
KDKA: Obama clearly demonstrated last night that Romney isn’t prepared to be commander in chief.
Daily News: DN Editorial: Don’t be fooled: You can vote Nov. 6, even without a photo ID
Philly.com: Treading lightly through political season
PhillyBurbs: Davis by a nose
PhillyBurbs: Obamacare: ‘It’s the economy, stupid!’
Delco Daily Times: The Heron’s Nest: One debate too many
Delco Daily Times: Freind: Why Do Iran And Libya Dominate Our Debates?
Pottstown Mercury: Byron York: Obama campaign is running on empty

Keystone Progress: More On Janet Anderson’s No-Show Job
Keystone Progress: Debate Reaffirms Educators’ Support For Obama-Biden Ticket
The Liberty Blog: Pennsylvania Joblessness Rate — 8.2%

2 Responses

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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